Closed-loop stimulation of the central nervous system to modulate tremoroscillations in the motor nervous system: PID-2022-138585OA-C32Implementation of wearable technology in primary health care for personalized exercise medicine (WearablePerMed) – PMP22/00002Major Depressive Disorder monitoring system: development of a platform based on wearable devices in relevant scenarios – PDC2022-133197-I00HEalthcare and MOnitoring DIgitalization in Chronic Illness management: application to multiple sclerosis and depression – TED2021-131106B-I00Monitoring and assessment of obstructive sleep apnea and its outcomes through the processing of physiological signals of wearables – PID2021-126734OB-C21Characterization of vital signs while drivingConsulting services for basic physiologic features AcabadosScientific Network Observatory for the Study and Prevention of Sudden Death in Sport (PREMUBID)PPG-based sleep apnea monitoringResearch Network in Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Risk in SportsTowards an early identification of depression through a process of physiological signals and metabolomic biomarkersPhysiologically guided signal analysis for ambulatory monitoring of depressionCharacterization and modeling of the physiological response in variable hyperbaric environmentsImproved monitoring of the autonomic nervous system during daily life applied to stress, depression and exerciseBiomedical monitoring prototype integrated in diving equipment for underwater environmentImprovement of a device for real-time monitoring of the photoplestimographic signal in hyperbaric environmentsAutonomic nervous system surrogates, cardiopulmonary coupling and respiratory parameters as predictors of successful weaning in mechanically ventilated patientsDetection of K+ concentration alterations from the ECGValidation of pulse rate variability, respiratory frequency and stress assessment from NIVAbandWECARMON: Wearable Cardiorespiratory MonitorOptimization of a submersible device for monitoring the photoplesthymographic signalBiomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (BioMep)Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse in Central Nervous System Disorders (RADAR-CNS)Patterns of Autonomic Nervous System Biomarkers in Depression (DEANS)Multimodal analysis and m-Health tools for diagnostic and monitoring improving of Obstructive Lung Disease and Obstructive Sleep Apnea patients (M-LODOSA)Effects of an early neurocognitive intervention on patient-ventilator interaction and stress in critically ill patients receiving mechanical ventilation (PVI-ANS-NCOG)Design and validation of a submersible device for the monitoring of the Autonomous Nervous System through the recording of pulse photoplethysmography in aquatic activitiesIdentification of situations of decreased performance of the military, based on the relationship of heart rate variability with stress and sleep deprivationStudy of the behavior of the autonomic nervous system and cognitive abilities in hyperbaric environmentsNoninvasive assessment of autonomic nervous system through the analysis of biosignals variability. Application to stress-related clinical problemDecision support systems in pathological or physiological stress by assessing the state of the autonomic nervous system through signal processingThe Autonomous Nervous System as a modulator of cardiac function: comprehensive investigation through signal processing and computational modelingComputer-assisted interpretation of electrical signals: a step forward in understanding and treating cardiac diseases (INTERCARDIO)QT-bed: Evaluation of changes in ventricular repolarization and its relationship with heart rate during bed-rest experimentsComputational investigation of cardiac arrhythmias and drug effect: from ion channels to the surface electrocardiogramMultimodal biomedical signal processing for the analysis and characterization of cardiovascular, respiratory and autonomic deseasesUZ2022-IAR-06: Towards a system for diagnosis and monitoring sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome at home based on a wearable armband