
Teléfono: Ext: 845648


Address: C/ Mariano Esquillor Gómez 15, Edificio CIRCE, Despacho 01.280, 50018, Zaragoza (Spain)


Blanca (Madrid, 2000) is fascinated by the functioning of the brain, and believes a better understanding of the nervous system is possible through signal (including image) acquisition and processing.

She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering (2022) and Master’s degree in Computer Vision (2023) at the University Rey Juan Carlos. Since junior year (2020-23), she was part of the Medical Image Analysis and Biometry Laboratory, working towards the differential diagnosis of parkinsonian disorders, along with the University Hospital Ramón y Cajal and the Radboud University Medical Centre. She also collaborated with the University Alfonso X El Sabio, helping with veterinary image analysis.

She has combined her university studies with an Erasmus+ Internship at the University of Padova to work on EEG-EMG signal analysis (2021), and a JAE Intro Scholarship at the Neural Rehabilitation Group (CSIC) to investigate on tremor reduction therapies through electrophysiological stimulation (2023).

She joined BSICoS in 2023, where she currently researches the neural dynamics between the spinal cord and the muscular system under the supervision of Jaime Ibáñez.