Teléfono: +34 876 555462


Address: Campus Río Ebro, Edificio I+D, Lab 5.1.01B, C/ Mariano Esquillor, s/n – 50018 Zaragoza (Spain)


Leonardo Bueno was born in Cuenca, Ecuador, in 1983. He received the Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in 2013, collaborating with the Biomechanical Research group in the Virtual Surgery Scenarios Project. He is currently a full time professor in the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana in Ecuador and he is working on the in Biomedical Engineering in the University of Zaragoza. His research interests include the field of biomedical signal processing and computational models.




Bueno-Palomeque, F L; Zacur, E; Pueyo, E; Crispi, F; Laguna, P; Mincholé, A

Implications of IUGR-Related Geometric Heart Changes on the ECG and Electrophysiology: an In silico Perspective Conferencia

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Artículos de revista

Bueno-Palomeque, F L; Mountris, K A; Ortigosa, N; Bailón, R; Bijnens, B; Crispi, F; Pueyo, E; Mincholé, A; Laguna, P

QRS-T angles as markers for heart sphericity in subjects with intrauterine growth restriction: a simulation study Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 27, no 10, pp. 4707-4718, 2023.

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Bueno-Palomeque, F L; Mountris, K; Ortigosa, N; Bailón, R; Bijnens, B; Crispi, F; Pueyo, E; Mincholé, A; Laguna, P

QRS Width and T-peak to T-end Interval Are Prolonged in Preadolescents with Severe Intrauterine Growth Restriction at Birth When Compared to Controls Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

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Bueno-Palomeque, F L; Mountris, K A; Minchole, A; Ortigosa, N; Pueyo, E; Laguna, P

Changes in QRS and T-wave Loops Subsequent to an Increase in Left Ventricle Globularity as in Intrauterine Growth Restriction: a Simulation Study Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Rimini, Italy, 2020.

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