PHD Student

Teléfono: +34 876 555462


Address: Campus Río Ebro, Edificio I+D, Lab 5.1.01B, C/ Mariano Esquillor, s/n – 50018 Zaragoza (Spain)


Hugo Hernández was born in Gran Canaria, Spain, in 2000. He received a BSc in Electrical Engineering in 2022 from Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He made an Erasmus program at the Technical University of Vienna, to finish his Master’s Thesis in Biomedical Engineering, and received the MSc from Universidad de Zaragoza in 2024. He joined the BSICoS group in the same year and currently working on his Ph.D. “Clinically-guided data processing methods and in silico models to improve patient stratification and therapy response in cardiac and neurological disorders”