Faculty Member

Teléfono: +34 976 76 1931

Email: laguna@unizar.es

Address: María de Luna 1, Edificio Ada Byron, Despacho 3.16 50018 Zaragoza (Spain)


Pablo Laguna is Full Professor of Signal Processing and Communications in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Engineering School, where he has being vice-dean for international relation (1999-2002), and a researcher at the Aragón Institute for Engineering Research (I3A), both at University of Zaragoza, Spain, where he has being responsible of the Biomedical Engineering division of the I3A (2000-2011) and of the master in Biomedical Engineering (2003- 2010). He is also member, and has served as scientific director (2011-2015), of the Spanish Center for Biomedical Engineering, Biomaterial and Nano-medicine Research CIBER-BBN.

His professional research interests are in Signal Processing, in particular applied to Biomedical applications. He has co-authored more than 150 research papers on this topic, over 300 international conference papers, and has advise 15 Ph.D Thesis. He has lead a broad number of projects on biomedical signal interpretation specially in the cardiovascular domain, most of them with international collaborations at clinical and engineering sites. He is having some international scientific responsibilities, as serving as past-president of the board of directors of Computing in Cardiology conference, editor of the digital signal processing journal (Eurasip), and of the Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (springer), organizer of different scientific conferences, etc. He is also responsible of the Ph.D. program in Biomedical Engineering at Zaragoza University. He is Fellow of the IEEE. He is, together with L. Sörnmo, the author of Bioelectrical Signal Processing in Cardiac and Neurological Applications, book (Elsevier, 2005).

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Artículos de revista

Armañac-Julián, P; Kontaxis, S; Lázaro, J; Rapalis, A; Brazaitis, M; Marozas, V; Laguna, P; Bailón, R; Gil, E

Vascular Reactivity Characterized by PPG-derived Pulse Wave Velocity Artículo de revista

En: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2025.



Artículos de revista

Sörnmo, L; Bailón, R; Laguna, P

Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in Time-Varying Conditions and in the Presence of Confounding Factors Artículo de revista

En: Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Cajal, D; Gil, E; Laguna, P; Varon, C; Testelmans, D; Buyse, B; Jensen, C; Hoare, R; Bailón, R; Lázaro, J

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening by Joint Saturation Signal Analysis and PPG-derived Pulse Rate Oscillations Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024.

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Celotto, C; Sánchez, C; Abdollahpur, M; Sandberg, F; Rodríguez, J F; Laguna, P; Pueyo, E

The Frequency of Atrial Fibrillatory Waves is Modulated by the Spatiotemporal Pattern of Acetylcholine Release: a 3D Computational Study Artículo de revista

En: Front. Physiol., vol. 14, no 1189464, 2024.

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Armañac-Julián, P; Martín-Montero, A; Lázaro, J; Hornero, R; Laguna, P; Kheirandish-Gozal, L; Gozal, D; Gil, E; Bailón, R; Gutiérrez-Tobal, G

Persistent Sleep Disordered Breathing Independently Contributes to Metabolic Syndrome in Prepubertal Children Artículo de revista

En: Pediatric Pulmonology, pp. 1-10, 2024.

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Lázaro, J; Reljin, N; Bailón, R; Gil, E; Noh, Y; Laguna, P; Chon, K H

Tracking Tidal Volume from Holter and Wearable Armband Electrocardiogram Monitoring Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 28, no 6, pp. 3457- 3465, 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Viik, J; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Performance Evaluation of QT-RR Adaptation Time Lag Estimation in Exercise Stress Testing Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 71, no 11, 2024.

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Soto-Retes, L; Milagro, J; Crespo-Lessmann, A; Curto, E; Medina, É F M; Bailón, R; Gil, E; Laguna, P; Plaza, V

The parasympathetic nervous system plays a key role in control and stress in patients with asthma Artículo de revista

En: Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 2024.

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Rinkeviciu, M; Lázaro, J; Gil, E; Laguna, P; Charlton, P H; Bailón, R; Marozas, V

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Characterization: A Multimodal Cross-Recurrence-Based Approach for Investigating Atrial Fibrillation Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 28, no 10, pp. 6155-6167, 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Gómez, N; Ramírez, J; -Yebra, A Martín; Demidova, M M; Platonov, P; Martínez, J Pablo; Laguna, P

T-wave Peak-to-End Changes Quantified by Time-Warping Predicts Ventricular Fibrillation in a Porcine Myocardial Infarction Mode Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 71, no 10, pp. 2968-2977, 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Romagnoli, S; Sbrollini, A; Burattini, L; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Characterization of QT-interval adaptation time lag in response to sport-induced heart rate changes measured from wearable ECG recording Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

García-Pagès, E; Kontaxis, S; Siddi, S; Posadas-deMiguel, M; de la Cámara, C; Bernal, M L; Castro-Ribeiro, T; Laguna, P; Badiell, L; Bailón, R; Haro, J M; Aguiló, J

Contribution of Physiological Dynamics in Predicting Major Depressive Disorder Severity Artículo de revista

En: Psychophysiology, 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX


Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

QT-RR Adaptation Time Lag Estimation and its Dependence on Heart Rate Trend Frequency Content in Exercise Stress Testing Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Sattar, P; Baldazzi, G; Mandas, N; Casaglia, E; Figorilli, M; Giorgetti, L; Mattioli, P; Calizzano, F; Fama, F; Arnaldi, D; Puligheddu, M; Pani, D; Laguna, P; Bailón, R

Assessment of QT variability in Parkinson’s Disease and REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder during REM phase Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Yanguas, J; Laguna, P; Ibáñez, J

Motor Neuron synchronization reduces extraction capacity of common synaptic input Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Gómez, N; Ramírez, J; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Evaluation of T-wave Time-Warping Dynamics in Patients with Long QT Syndrome Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Romagnoli, S; Isabel-Roquer, A; Martín-Yebra, A; Palmieri, F; Font, J D Fernandéz; Pueyo, E; Gomis, P; Laguna, P; Arbelo, E; Mincholé, A

Cuantificación sobre el ECG del retraso en la activación ventricular del tracto de salida derecho en pacientes con síndrome de Brugada Conferencia

Proceedings CASEIB 2024, Sevilla, Spain, 2024.

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Gómez, N; Ramírez, J; Roquero, A I; Palmieri, F; Arbelo, E; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Evaluación de los cambios en la morfología del pico al fin de la onda T, cuantificados mediante “time-warping”, en pacientes con síndrome de Brugada Conferencia

Proceedings CASEIB 2024, Sevilla, Spain, 2024.

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Romagnoli, S; Sbrollini, A; Burattini, L; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Estimación del retardo del intervalo QT ante cambios en la frecuencia cardíaca inducidos por actividades deportivas Conferencia

Proceedings CASEIB 2024, 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Hernández, A; Madeiro, J P; Pedrosa, R C; Laguna, P; Ramírez, J

Predicción de Muerte Súbita Cardiaca en pacientes con la enfermedad cardíaca de Chagas a partir de biomarcadores de restitución ventricular derivados del electrocardiograma Conferencia

Proceedings CASEIB 2024, 2024.

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