1129 registros « 1 de 4 »


Artículos de revista

Grison, A; Clarke, A K; Muceli, S; Ibáñez, J; Kundu, A; Farina, D

A Particle Swarm Optimised Independence Estimator for Blind Source Separation of Neurophysiological Time Series Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 72, pp. 227–237, 2025.

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Madrid, J; Youn, W J; van Duijvenboden, S; Orini, M; Munroe, P B; Ramírez, J; Mincholé, A

Unsupervised Clustering of Single-Lead ECGs Associates with Prevalent and Incident Heart Failure in Coronary Artery Disease Artículo de revista

En: European Heart Journal – Digital Health, 2025.


Grison, A; Ibáñez, J; Farina, D

Motor Unit Sampling From Intramuscular Micro-Electrode Array Recordings Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng., vol. 33, pp. 620–629, 2025.

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Armañac-Julián, P; Kontaxis, S; Lázaro, J; Rapalis, A; Brazaitis, M; Marozas, V; Laguna, P; Bailón, R; Gil, E

Vascular Reactivity Characterized by PPG-derived Pulse Wave Velocity Artículo de revista

En: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2025.


Gómez, M; Carro, J; Pueyo, E; Pérez, A; Olivan, A; Monasterio, V

In Silico Modeling and Validation of the Effect of Calcium-Activated Potassium Current on Ventricular Repolarization in Failing Myocytes Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2025.

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Condominas, E; Sanchez-Niubo, A; Domènech-Abella, J; Haro, J M; Bailón, R; Giné-Vázquez, I; Riquelme, G; Matcham, F; Lamers, F; Kontaxis, S; Laporta, E; Garcia, E; Maria, M T Peñarrubia; White, K M; Oetzmann, C; Annas, P; Hotopf, M; Penninx, B W J H; Narayan, V A; Folarin, A; Leightley, D; Cummins, N; Ranjan, Y; de Girolamo, G; Preti, A; Simblett, S; Wykes, T; Myin-Germeys, I; Dobson, R; Siddi, S

Exploring the dynamic relationships between nocturnal heart rate, sleep disruptions, anxiety levels, and depression severity over time in recurrent major depressive disorder Artículo de revista

En: Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 376, pp. 139-148, 2025, ISBN: 0165-0327.

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Romero-Elías, M; García-González, D; Álvarez-Bustos, A; Garatachea, N; Bailón, R; Ramil, E; Maximiano, C; Cebolla-Boado, H; Ruiz-Casado, A

COMT genotypes correlate with cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer survivors Artículo de revista

En: Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, pp. 1–14, 2025.

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Orera, J; Ramírez, J; García-Navarro, P; Murillo, J

RoePINNs: An Integration of Advanced CFD Solvers with Physics-Informed Neural Networks and application in arterial flow modeling Artículo de revista

En: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2025.

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Tesis doctorales

Pérez, C

Quantification of QT Interval Adaptation Time to Gradual Changes in Heart Rate and its Use for Cardiac Risk Stratification Tesis doctoral


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Artículos de revista

Sgambato, B G; Hasbani, M H; Barsakcioglu, D Y; Ibáñez, J; Jakob, A; Fournelle, M; Tang, M-X; Farina, D

High Performance Wearable Ultrasound as a Human-Machine Interface for wrist and hand kinematic tracking Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., pp. 1–10, 2024.

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Hietakoste, S; Armañac-Julián, P; Karhu, T; Bailón, R; Sillanmäki, S; Töyräs, J; Leppanen, T; Myllymaa, S; Kainulainen, S

Acute cardiorespiratory coupling impairment in worsening sleep apnea-related intermittent hypoxemia Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2024.

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Cajal, D; Gil, E; Laguna, P; Varon, C; Testelmans, D; Buyse, B; Jensen, C; Hoare, R; Bailón, R; Lázaro, J

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening by Joint Saturation Signal Analysis and PPG-derived Pulse Rate Oscillations Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024.

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Munroe, P B; Aung, N; Ramírez, J

Genetic analysis of cardiac dynamic flow volumes identifies loci mapping aortic root size Artículo de revista

En: Nature Genetics, 2024.

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Lubel, E; Rohlén, R; Sgambato, B G; Barsakcioglu, D Y; Ibáñez, J; Tang, M X; Farina, D

Accurate Identification of Motoneuron Discharges from Ultrasound Images Across the Full Muscle Cross-Section Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 39, no 3, pp. 1-12, 2024.

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Celotto, C; Sánchez, C; Abdollahpur, M; Sandberg, F; Rodríguez, J F; Laguna, P; Pueyo, E

The Frequency of Atrial Fibrillatory Waves is Modulated by the Spatiotemporal Pattern of Acetylcholine Release: a 3D Computational Study Artículo de revista

En: Front. Physiol., vol. 14, no 1189464, 2024.

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Peláez, M D; Hernando, A; Lozano, M T; Bolea, J; Izquierdo, D; Sánchez, C

Heart Rate Variability to Automatically Identify Hyperbaric States Considering Respiratory Component Artículo de revista

En: Sensors, vol. 24, iss. 2, no 447, 2024.

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Laita, N; Rosales, R M; Wu, M; Claus, P; Janssens, S; Martínez, M Á; Doblaré, M; Peña, E

On modeling the in vivo ventricular passive mechanical behavior from in vitro experimental properties in porcine hearts Artículo de revista

En: Computers & Structures, vol. 292, no 107241, 2024.

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Rosales, R M; Mountris, K A; Oliván-Viguera, A; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Cedillo-Servin, G; Iglesias-García, O; Hrynevich, A; Castilho, M; Malda, J; Prósper, F; Doblaré, M; Mazo, M M; Pueyo, E

Experimentally-guided in silico design of engineered heart tissues to improve cardiac electrical function after myocardial infarction Artículo de revista

En: Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 171, no 108044, 2024.

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Costa, G D; Nos, C; Zabalza, A; Buron, M; Magyari, M; Sellebjerg, F; Guerrero, A I; Roselli, L; Porta, M L La; Martinis, M; Bailón, R; Kontaxis, S; Laporta, E; Garcia, E; Pokorny, F B; Schuller, B W; Folarin, A; Stewart, C; Leocani, L; Vairavan, S; Cummins, N; Dobson, R; Hotopf, M; Narayan, V; Montalban, X; Sorensen, P S; Comi, G; Consortium, RADAR-CNS

A wearable device perspective on the standard definitions of disability progression in multiple sclerosis Artículo de revista

En: Multiple Sclerosis Journal, vol. 30, iss. 1, pp. 103-112, 2024.

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Armañac-Julián, P; Martín-Montero, A; Lázaro, J; Hornero, R; Laguna, P; Kheirandish-Gozal, L; Gozal, D; Gil, E; Bailón, R; Gutiérrez-Tobal, G

Persistent Sleep Disordered Breathing Independently Contributes to Metabolic Syndrome in Prepubertal Children Artículo de revista

En: Pediatric Pulmonology, pp. 1-10, 2024.

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Sörnmo, L; Bailón, R; Laguna, P

Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in Time-Varying Conditions and in the Presence of Confounding Factors Artículo de revista

En: Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 2024.

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Hernando, A; Peláez-Coca, M D; Gil, E

Decomposing photoplethysmogram waveforms into systolic and diastolic waves, with application to hyperbaric environments Artículo de revista

En: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2024.

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Ebrahimian, S; Sillanmäki, S; Hietakoste, S; Kulkas, A; Töyräs, J; Bailón, R; Hernando, D; Lombardi, C; Grote, L; Bonsignore, M R; Saaresranta, T; Pépin, J-L; Leppänen, T; Kainulainen, S

Beat-to-beat cardiac repolarization lability increases during hypoxemia and arousals in obstructive sleep apnea patients Artículo de revista

En: American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, vol. 326, iss. 5, pp. H1094-H1104, 2024.

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Alva, P G S; Boesendorfer, A; Aszmann, O C; Ibáñez, J; Farina, D

Excitation of natural spinal reflex loops in the sensory-motor control of hand prostheses Artículo de revista

En: Science Robotics, vol. 9, 2024.

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Ramírez, J; van Duijvenboden, S; Young, W J; Chen, Y; Usman, T; Orini, M; Lambiase, P D; Tinker, A; Bell, C G; Morris, A P; Munroe, P B

Fine mapping of candidate effector genes for heart rate Artículo de revista

En: Human Genetics, 2024.

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Young, W J; van der Most, P J; Bartz, T M; Bos, M M; Biino, G; Duong, T; Foco, L; Lominchar, J T; Müller-Nurasyid, M; Nardone, G G; Pecori, A; Ramírez, J; Repetto, L; Schramm, K; Shen, X; van Duijvenboden, S; van Heemst, D; Weiss, S; Yao, J; Benjamins, J; Alonso, A; Spedicati, B; Biggs, M L; Brody, J A; Dörr, M; Fuchsberger, C; Gögele, M; Guo, X; Ikram, M A; Jukema, J W; Kääb, S; Kanters, J K; Study, Lifelines Cohort; Lin, H J; Linneberg, A; Nauck, M; Nolte, I M; Pianigiani, G; Santin, A; Soliman, E Z; Tesolin, P; Vaccargiu, S; Waldenberger, M; van der Harst, P; Verweij, N; Arking, D E; Concas, M P; Grandi, A De; Girotto, G; Grarup, N; Kavousi, M; Mook-Kanamori, D O; Navarro, P; Orini, M; Padmanabhan, S; Pattaro, C; Peters, A; Pirastu, M; Pramstaller, P P; Heckbert, S R; Sinner, M; Snieder, H; Völker, U; Wilson, J F; Gauderman, W J; Lambiase, P D; Sotoodehnia, N; Tinker, A; Warren, H R; Noordam, R; Munroe, P B

Genome-wide interaction analyses of serum calcium on ventricular repolarization time in 125,393 participants Artículo de revista

En: Journal of the American Heart Association, vol. 13, no e034760, 2024.

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Sanghvi, M M; Ramírez, J; Chadalavada, S; Aung, N; Munroe, P B; Donos, N; Petersen, S E

The association between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease: insights from imaging, observational and genetic data Artículo de revista

En: Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Advances, 2024.

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Lázaro, J; Reljin, N; Bailón, R; Gil, E; Noh, Y; Laguna, P; Chon, K H

Tracking Tidal Volume from Holter and Wearable Armband Electrocardiogram Monitoring Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 28, no 6, pp. 3457- 3465, 2024.

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Burns, R; Young, W J; Aung, N; Lopes, L R; Elliott, P M; Syrris, P; Barriales-Villa, R; Sohrabi, C; Petersen, S E; Ramírez, J; Young, A; Munroe, P B

Genetic basis of right and left ventricular heart shape Artículo de revista

En: Nature Communications, 2024.


Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Viik, J; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Performance Evaluation of QT-RR Adaptation Time Lag Estimation in Exercise Stress Testing Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 71, no 11, 2024.

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Soto-Retes, L; Milagro, J; Crespo-Lessmann, A; Curto, E; Medina, É F M; Bailón, R; Gil, E; Laguna, P; Plaza, V

The parasympathetic nervous system plays a key role in control and stress in patients with asthma Artículo de revista

En: Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 2024.

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Frempong, G A; Goni, G; Lorenzo-Tejedor, M; De-la-Cámara, C; Lázaro, J; Aguiló, J; Rasia, E M; Bailón, R; Bernal, M L

New Insights Into Stress Metabolomics. Looking for New Diagnostic Biomarkers Artículo de revista

En: Looking for New Diagnostic Biomarkers, 2024.

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Ribeiro, T C; Pagès, E G; Ballester, L; Vilagut, G; Mieres, H G; Aragonès, V S; Amigo, F; Bailón, R; Mortier, P; Sola, V P; Serrano-Blanco, A.; Alonso, J; Aguiló, J

Design of a Remote Multiparametric Tool to Assess Mental Well-Being and Distress in Young People (mHealth Methods in Mental Health Research Project): Protocol for an Observational Study Artículo de revista

En: JMIR Research Protocols, vol. 13, no 1, pp. e51298, 2024.

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Pascual-Valdunciel, A; Ibáñez, J; Rocchi, L; Song, J; Rothwell, J C; Bhatia, K P; Farina, D; Latorre, A

Frequency-Selective Suppression of Essential Tremor via Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation Artículo de revista

En: Movement Disorders, vol. 39, no 10, 2024.

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Rinkeviciu, M; Lázaro, J; Gil, E; Laguna, P; Charlton, P H; Bailón, R; Marozas, V

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Characterization: A Multimodal Cross-Recurrence-Based Approach for Investigating Atrial Fibrillation Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 28, no 10, pp. 6155-6167, 2024.

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Gómez, N; Ramírez, J; -Yebra, A Martín; Demidova, M M; Platonov, P; Martínez, J Pablo; Laguna, P

T-wave Peak-to-End Changes Quantified by Time-Warping Predicts Ventricular Fibrillation in a Porcine Myocardial Infarction Mode Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 71, no 10, pp. 2968-2977, 2024.

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Butkuviene, M; Petrenas, A; Martin-Yebra, A; Marozas, V; Sörnmo, L

Characterization of Atrial Fibrillation Episode Patterns: A Comparative Study Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng., 2024.

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Zicher, B; Avrillon, S; Ibáñez, J; Farina, D

Changes in high-frequency neural inputs to muscles during movement cancellation Artículo de revista

En: J. Neural Eng., vol. 21, no 056039, 2024.

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Postigo, A; Hernández-Bellido, N; Sánchez-Barat, M; García-Mendívil, L; Pueyo, E; del Barrio, J; Hernández-Ainsa, S; Ordovás, L

DNA-Based Nanocarriers to Sequester Altered microRNAs in Cardiac Dysfunction Artículo de revista

En: Adv. Therap., no 2400247, 2024.

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van Duijvenboden, S; Nelson, C P; Raisi-Estabragh, Z; Ramírez, J; Orini, M; Wang, Q; Aung, N; Codd, V; Stoma, S; Allara, E; Wood, A; Angelantonio, E Di; Danesh, J; Harvey, N C; Petersen, S E; Munroe, P B; Samani, N J

Leukocyte telomere length and conduction system ageing Artículo de revista

En: Heart, 2024.

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Ramírez, J; van Duijvenboden, S; Orini, M; Lambiase, P D; Tinker, A; Young, W J; Munroe, P B

Prediction of Atrial and Ventricular Arrhythmias using Multiple Cardiovascular Risk Factor Polygenic Risk Scores Artículo de revista

En: Heart Rhythm, 2024.

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O’Keeffe, R; Shirazi, S Y; Vecchio, A Del; Ibáñez, J; Mrachacz-Kersting, N; Bighamian, R; Rizzo, J R; Farina, D; Atashzar, S F

Low-frequency Motor Cortex EEG Predicts Four Rates of Force Development Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans. Haptics, vol. 17, no 4, pp. 900–912, 2024.

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Hietakoste, S; Karhu, T; Lombardi, C; Armañac-Julián, P; Bailón, R; Duce, B; Sillanmäki, S; Töyräs, J; Leppänen, T; Myllymaa, S; Kainulainen, S

Nocturnal short-term heart rate variability reflects impaired daytime vigilance better than overnight heart rate variability in suspected obstructive sleep apnea patients Artículo de revista

En: SLEEP, vol. XX, pp. 1–12, 2024.

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Sillanmäki, S; Ebrahimian, S; Hietakoste, S; Hernando, D; Bailón, R; Leppänen, T; Kainulainen, S

Hypoxaemic load in sleep apnoea is associated with acute changes in T-wave amplitude Artículo de revista

En: ERJ Open Res, vol. 10, no 00341-2024, 2024.

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Ibáñez, D; Condominas, E; Haro, J M; Gin-Vázquez, I; RADAR-MDD-Spain,; Bailón, R; Garcia, E; Kontaxis, S; Peñarrubia-Maria, M T; Arranz, B; Llaosa-Scholten, R; Gardeñes, L; Hotopf, M; Matcham, F; Lamers, F; Penninx, B W J H; Annas, P; Folarin, A; Narayan, V; Lima, R A; Siddi, S; the RADAR CNS consortium,

Pre- and post-COVID 19 outbreak relationship between physical activity and depressive symptoms in Spanish adults with major depressive disorder: a secondary analysis of the RADAR-MDD cohort study Artículo de revista

En: Frontiers in Psychology, 2024.

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Romagnoli, S; Sbrollini, A; Burattini, L; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Characterization of QT-interval adaptation time lag in response to sport-induced heart rate changes measured from wearable ECG recording Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2024.

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García-Pagès, E; Kontaxis, S; Siddi, S; Posadas-deMiguel, M; de la Cámara, C; Bernal, M L; Castro-Ribeiro, T; Laguna, P; Badiell, L; Bailón, R; Haro, J M; Aguiló, J

Contribution of Physiological Dynamics in Predicting Major Depressive Disorder Severity Artículo de revista

En: Psychophysiology, 2024.

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Bueno, J M; Martínez-Ojeda, R M; Pérez-Zabalza, M; García-Mendívil, L; Asensio, M C; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Analysis of age-related changes in the left ventricular myocardium with multiphoton microscopy Artículo de revista

En: Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 15, iss. 5, pp. 3251-3264, 2024.

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Laitaa, N; Aparici-Gil, A; Oliván-Viguera, A; Pérez-Martínez, A; Martínez, M Á; Doblaré, M; Peña, E

A comprehensive experimental analysis of the local passive response across the healthy porcine left ventricle Artículo de revista

En: Acta Biomaterialia, vol. 187, no 1, pp. 261-277, 2024.

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Gómez, M; Carro, J; Pueyo, E; Pérez, A; Oliván-Viguera, A; Monasterio, V

In Silico Modeling and Validation of the Effect of Calcium-Activated Potassium Current on Ventricular Repolarization in Failing Myocytes Artículo de revista

En: IEEE J Biomed Health Inform, 2024.

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Paz-Artigas, I; Gómez-Moreno, C; García-Mendivil, L; Sánchez-Barat, M; Ordovás, L; Ciriza, J

Functional endothelial barrier recreation in a heart-on-chip platform for cardio-directed therapies testing Conferencia

EUROOCS, Milan (Italy), 2024.


Bueno-Palomeque, F L; Zacur, E; Pueyo, E; Crispi, F; Laguna, P; Mincholé, A

Implications of IUGR-Related Geometric Heart Changes on the ECG and Electrophysiology: an In silico Perspective Conferencia

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Romagnoli, S; Roquero, A I; Martín-Yebra, A; Palmieri, F; Fernandez-Font, J D; Pueyo, E; Gomis, P; Laguna, P; Lainez, E Arbelo; Mincholé, A

Quantification of Delayed Activation in Right Ventricular Outflow Tract in Brugada Patients Conferencia

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Gómez-Fonseca, N; Ramírez, J; Tsvetkova, A S; Platonov, P; Azarov, J; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Dynamics of T-peak-to-T-end Morphology Changes in an Open-chest Porcine Model, and Its Relation to Arrhythmic Events Conferencia

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Sattar, P; Baldazzi, G; Mandas, N; Casaglia, E; Figorilli, M; Giorgetti, L; Mattioli, P; Calizzano, F; Fama, F; Arnaldi, D; Panio, D; Laguna, P; Bailón, R

Assessment of Ventricular Repolarization Variability in Wake States in REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder and Parkinson's Diseases Conferencia

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Martín-Yebra, A; Bayés-de-Luna, A; Vazquez, R; Caminal, P; Laguna, P; Martínez, J P

The MUSIC Database: Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure Patients Conferencia

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Hernandez-Mendoza, A; do Vale Madeiro, J P; Pedrosa, R C; Laguna, P; Ramírez, J

Sudden Cardiac Death Prediction in Chagas Heart Disease Patients from ECG-derived Biomarkers of Ventricular Restitution Conferencia

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Rosales, R M; Doblare, M; Vega, M M Mazo; Pueyo, E

Design of Engineered Heart Tissues to Minimize Arrhythmic Risk After Implantation in Infarcted Hearts Conferencia

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Chaparro-Victoria, D; Campos, A; Aznarez, S Crespo; Esterellas, L Karla; Horna, V Garces; Sanchez-Marteles, M; Martínez, J P; Monasterio, V; Rubio-Gracia, J; Alcaine, A

Automatic Segmentation of the Inferior Vena Cava from M-mode Ultrasound Images Conferencia

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Artal, S; Martínez, J P; Miguel, A; Ramírez, J

Improved Detection of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Using an ECG-based Semisupervised Model Conferencia

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Madrid, J N; Young, W; van Duijvenboden, S; Munroe, P; Mincholé, A; Ramírez, J

ECG Based Unsupervised Clustering Model Predicts Heart Failure and Cardiovascular Diseases in Individuals without Cardiovascular Disease Conferencia

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Orera, J; Garcia-Navarro, P; Ramírez, J; Murillo, J

Combined Estimation of Cross-sectional Area, Flow Rate and Pulse Wave Velocity Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks with D Hemodynamic Model Data Conferencia

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.


Searle, G; van Duijvenboden, S; Ramírez, J; Tinker, A; Munroe, P; Lambiase, P; Hughes, A; Orini, M

A Machine Learning Approach to Detect Hypertension, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease from PPG Conferencia

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.


Kayyali, M; Mincholé, A; Qian, S; Young, A; Ugurlu, D; Fairweather, E; Niederer, S; Whitaker, J; Bishop, M; Lamata, P

Cardiac Anatomical and Electrical Axes: Proposed Definitions and Interplay Conferencia

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Pérez-Zabalza, M; Peláez-Coca, M D; Lozano, M T; Bolea, J

Exploring Nonlinear Heart Rate Variability for Assessing the Autonomic Nervous System in Hyperbaric Environments Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

QT-RR Adaptation Time Lag Estimation and its Dependence on Heart Rate Trend Frequency Content in Exercise Stress Testing Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Sattar, P; Baldazzi, G; Mandas, N; Casaglia, E; Figorilli, M; Giorgetti, L; Mattioli, P; Calizzano, F; Fama, F; Arnaldi, D; Puligheddu, M; Pani, D; Laguna, P; Bailón, R

Assessment of QT variability in Parkinson’s Disease and REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder during REM phase Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Martín-Montero, A; Armañac-Julián, P; García-Vicente, C; Bailón, R; Gil, E; Gozal, D; Penzel, T; Hornero, R; Gutiérrez-Tobal, G C

ECG-Derived Respiratory Power Index to Evaluate and Track Pediatric Sleep Apnea Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Pérez, S; Siddi, S; Cummins, N; Vairavan, S; Matcham, F; Haro, J M; Hotopf, M; Lamers, F; Penninx, B; Dobson, R; Narayan, V; Bailón, R; Martín-Yebra, A

Assessment of heart rate circadianity alterations in patients with depression using a wearable device Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Armañac-Julián, P; Lazaro, J; Gil, E; Bailón, R

Sex Differences in Beat-to-Beat Heart Rate Response to Systolic Pressure Increases Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Sacristán, M; Ibáñez, J; Lazaro, J

Effects of Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation on Autonomic Nervous System Regulation Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Delgado, B; Ibáñez, J

Auditory Stimuli to Study the Effects of Stimulation on Neural Oscillations Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Yanguas, J; Laguna, P; Ibáñez, J

Motor Neuron synchronization reduces extraction capacity of common synaptic input Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Hietakoste, S; Armañac-Julián, P; Karhu, T; Bailón, R; Sillanmäki, S; Töyräs, J; Leppänen, T; Myllymaa, S; Kainulainen, S

Worsening hypoxic load impairs cardiorespiratory coupling Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Barquero, A; Armañac-Julián, P; Bailón, R; Lazaro, J; Gil, E; Hernando, D

Validating a PPG Device for Estimating Heart Rate in Various Activity Conditions Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Gómez, N; Ramírez, J; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Evaluation of T-wave Time-Warping Dynamics in Patients with Long QT Syndrome Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Palacios, S; Sales, C; Melero, J; Cabrera, M; Ramos, J; Mincholé, A; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P

Changes in Ventricular Repolarization After Right Ventricular and Left Bundle Branch Pacing Conferencia

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Romagnoli, S; Isabel-Roquer, A; Martín-Yebra, A; Palmieri, F; Font, J D Fernandéz; Pueyo, E; Gomis, P; Laguna, P; Arbelo, E; Mincholé, A

Cuantificación sobre el ECG del retraso en la activación ventricular del tracto de salida derecho en pacientes con síndrome de Brugada Conferencia

Proceedings CASEIB 2024, Sevilla, Spain, 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Gómez, N; Ramírez, J; Roquero, A I; Palmieri, F; Arbelo, E; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Evaluación de los cambios en la morfología del pico al fin de la onda T, cuantificados mediante “time-warping”, en pacientes con síndrome de Brugada Conferencia

Proceedings CASEIB 2024, Sevilla, Spain, 2024.

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Romagnoli, S; Sbrollini, A; Burattini, L; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Estimación del retardo del intervalo QT ante cambios en la frecuencia cardíaca inducidos por actividades deportivas Conferencia

Proceedings CASEIB 2024, 2024.

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Hernández, A; Madeiro, J P; Pedrosa, R C; Laguna, P; Ramírez, J

Predicción de Muerte Súbita Cardiaca en pacientes con la enfermedad cardíaca de Chagas a partir de biomarcadores de restitución ventricular derivados del electrocardiograma Conferencia

Proceedings CASEIB 2024, 2024.

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Barquero, A; García, E; Kontaxis, S; Siddi, S; Cummins, N; Vairavan, S; Matcham, F; Hotopf, M; Lamers, F; Penninx, B; Dobson, R; Narayan, V; Bailón, R; Armañac-Julián, P; Consortium, RADAR-CNS

Relación entre la Actividad Física y el Ritmo Cardíaco Registrados por un Wearable de Pulsera en Pacientes con Depresión Conferencia

Proceedings CASEIB 2024, 2024.

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Chaparro-Victoria, D; de Santamaría, A Campos-Saenz; Crespo-Aznarez, S; Esterellas-Sánchez, L; Garcés-Horna, V; Sánchez-Marteles, M; Martínez, J P; Monasterio, V; Rubio-Gracia, J; Alcaine, A

Segmentación automática de la vena cava inferior en imágenes ecográficas en modo M Conferencia

Proceedings CASEIB 2024, 2024.

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Jiménez-Ocaña, A A; Pantoja, A; Bailón, R; Giraldo, L F

Real-Time Stress Detection Using Single-Lead ECG Signal Analysis Conferencia

3rd International Congress of Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering (CIIBBI), 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Velarte, A; Castel, A; Otín, A; Pueyo, E

Compact System for Stimulation and Recording of Field Potentials from Cardiac Tissue Preparations Conferencia

39th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Paz-Artigas, I; Gómez-Moreno, C; García-Mendivil, L; Sánchez-Barat, M; Ordovás, L; Ciriza, J

Functional endothelial barrier recreation in a heart-on-chip platform for cardio-directed therapies testing Conferencia

IEUROOCS, Milan, Italy, 2024.


Tesis doctorales

Armañac-Julián, P

Cardiovascular Signal Processing Oriented to Long-Term Monitoring Tesis doctoral


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Sagastegui-Alva, P

Technologies for Sensory-Motor Control in Upper Limb Prostheses Tesis doctoral



García-Pages, E

A Framework for the Objective Assessment of Mental Health Using Physiological Data: From the Dynamics of Stress to the Depression Tesis doctoral


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Artículos de revista

van Duijvenboden, S; Ramírez, J; Young, W J; Olczak, K J; Ahmed, F; Alhammadi, M J A Y; Bell, C G; Morris, A P; Munroe, P B

Integration of genetic fine-mapping and multi-omics data reveals candidate effector genes for hypertension Artículo de revista

En: The American Journal of Human Genetics, 2023, ISBN: 0002-9297.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Lubel, E; Sgambato, B G; Rohlen, R; Ibáñez, J; Barsakcioglu, D Y; Tang, M-X; Farina, D

Non-Linearity in Motor Unit Velocity Twitch Dynamics: Implications for Ultrafast Ultrasound Source Separation Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng., vol. 31, pp. 3699–3710, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

van Duijvenboden, S; Ramírez, J; Orini, M; Aung, N; Petersen, S E; Doherty, A; Tinker, A; Munroe, P B; Lambiase, P D

Prognostic Significance of Different Ventricular Ectopic Burdens During Submaximal Exercise in Asymptomatic UK Biobank Subjects Artículo de revista

En: Circulation, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Aguiló, J; Moussaoui, D; Chon, K; Bailón, R

Robust, reliable, and continuous assessment in health: the challenge of wearable and remote technologies Artículo de revista

En: Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 14, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Nardelli, M; Bailón, R

Advances in Wearable Photoplethysmography Applications in Health Monitoring Artículo de revista

En: Sensors, vol. 23, iss. 16, no 7064, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Kontaxis, S; Laporta, E; Garcia, E; Martinis, M; Leocani, L; Roselli, L; Guerrero, M Buronand A I; Zabala, A; Cummins, N; Vairavan, S; Hotopf, M; Dobson, R; Narayan, V; Porta, M L La; Costa, G Dalla; Magyari, M; Sorensen, P; Nos, C; Bailón, R; Commi, G C; Consortium, RADAR-CNS

Automatic Assessment of the 2-Minute Walk Distance for Remote Monitoring of People with Multiple Sclerosis Artículo de revista

En: Sensors, vol. 23, iss. 13, no 6017, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Cummins, N; Dineley, J; Conde, P; Matcham, F; Siddi, S; Lamers, F; Carr, E; Lavelle, G; Leightley, D; White, K; Oetzman, C; Campbell, E; Simblett, S; Bruce, S; Haro, J M; Penninx, B; Ranjan, Y; Rashid, Z; Stewart, C; Folarin, A; Bailón, R; Schuller, B; Wykes, T; Vairavan, S; Dobson, R; Narayan, V; Hotpof, M; Consortium, RADAR-CNS

Multilingual markers of depression in remotely collected speech samples: A preliminary analysis Artículo de revista

En: Journal of affective disorders, vol. 341, pp. 128-136, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

García-Mendívil, L; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Oliver-Gelabert, A; Vallejo-Gil, J M; Fañanás-Mastral, J; Vázquez-Sancho, M; André-Bellido, J A; Vaca-Núñez, A S; Ballester-Cuenca, C; Diez, E R; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Interindividual age-independent differences in human CX43 impact ventricular arrhythmic risk Artículo de revista

En: Research, vol. 6, iss. 0254, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Velarte, A; Otin, A; Giménez-Gómez, P; Muñoz-Berbel, X; Pueyo, E

Fiber optic-based system for high-resolution monitoring of stretch in excised tissues Artículo de revista

En: Biosensors, vol. 13, no 900, 2023.

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Mountris, K A; Pueyo, E

Cardiac electrophysiology meshfree modeling through the Mixed Collocation Method Artículo de revista

En: Applied Sciences, vol. 13, no 11460, 2023.

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García-Mendívil, L; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Duwé, S; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Automatic quantification of myocardial remodeling features in human ventricular tissue from label-free microscopy Artículo de revista

En: Star Protocols, vol. 4, no 102730, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Greco, A; Valenza, G; Lázaro, J; Garzón-Rey, J M; Aguiló, J; Cámara, C; Bailón, R; Scilingo, E P

Acute stress state classification based on electrodermal activity modeling Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Ibáñez, J; Zicher, B; Brown, K E; Rocchi, L; Casolo, A; Vecchio, A Del; Spampinato, D; Vollette, C C; Rothwell, J C; Baker, S N; Farina, D; Spampinato, A Del Vecchio D; Vollette, C C; Rothwell, J C; Baker, S N; Farina, D

Standard intensities of transcranial alternating current stimulation over the motor cortex do not entrain corticospinal inputs to motor neurons Artículo de revista

En: J. Physiol, pp. 1-13, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Saiz-Vivó, J; Corino, V D A; Martín-Yebra, A; Mainardi, L T; Hatala, R; Sörnmo, L

Atrial fibrillation episode patterns as predictor of clinical outcome of catheter ablation Artículo de revista

En: Med Biol Eng Comput, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Hug, F; Avrillon, S; Ibáñez, J; Farina, D

Common synaptic input, synergies and size principle: Control of spinal motor neurons for movement generation Artículo de revista

En: J. Physiol, vol. 601, pp. 11-20, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

García-Pagès, E; Arza-Valdes, A; Puig, C; Castro, T; Ottaviano, M; Arredondo, M T; Bernal, M L; López-Antón, R; Cámara, C De La; Gil, E; Laguna, P; Bailón, R; Aguiló, J; Garzón-Rey, J M

Psychosomatic response to acute emotional stress in healthy students Artículo de revista

En: Front. Physiol. Sec. Physio-logging, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Garatachea, N; Pueyo, E; Eijsvogels, T

Prevention of sudden death in sports: a global and multidisciplinary observatory for scientific research and knowledge transfer Artículo de revista

En: Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, vol. 24, iss. 1, no 12, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Pérez, C; Cebollada, R; Mountris, K A; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P; Pueyo, E

The Role of β-adrenergic Stimulation in QT Interval Adaptation to Heart Rate During Stress Test Artículo de revista

En: Plos One, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Martín-Montero, A; Armañac-Julián, P; Gil, E; Kheirandish-Gozal, L; Álvarez, D; Lázaro, J; Bailón, R; Gozal, D; Laguna, P; Hornero, R; Gutiérrez-Tobal, G C

Pediatric Sleep Apnea: Characterization of Apneic Events and Sleep Stages Using Heart Rate Variability Artículo de revista

En: Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Orini, M; Duijvenboden, S; Young, W J; Ramírez, J; Jones, A R; Tinker, A; Munroe, P B; Lambiase, P D

Premature atrial and ventricular contractions detected on wearable-format ECGs and prediction of cardiovascular events Artículo de revista

En: European Heart Journal – Digital Health, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Loewe, A; Luik, A; Sassi, R; Laguna, P

Together we are strong! Collaboration between clinicians and engineers as an enabler for better diagnosis and therapy of atrial arrhythmias Artículo de revista

En: Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Young, W J; Haessler, J; Benjamins, J; Repetto, L; Yao, J; Isaacs, A; Harper, A R; Ramírez, J; Garnier, S; Duijvenboden, S; Baldassari, A R; Concas, M P; Duong, T; Foco, L; Isaksen, J L; Mei, H; Noordam, R; Nursyifa, C; Richmond, A; Santolalla, M L; Sitlani, C M; Soroush, N; Thériault, S; Trompet, S; Aeschbacher, S; Ahmadizar, F; Alonso, A; Brody, J A; Campbell, A; Correa, A; Darbar, D; Luca, A De; Deleuze, J; Ellervik, C; Fuchsberger, C; Goel, A; Grace, C; Guo, X; Hansen, T; Heckbert, S R; Jackson, R D; Kors, J A; Lima-Costa, M F; Linneberg, A; MacFarlane, P W; Morrison, A C; Navarro, P; Porteous, D J; Pramstaller, P P; Reiner, A P; Risch, L; Schotten, U; Shen, X; Sinagra, G; Soliman, E Z; Stoll, M; Tarazona-Santos, E; Tinker, A; Trajanoska, K; Villard, E; Warren, H R; Whitsel, E A; Wiggins, K; Arking, D E; Avery, C L; Conen, D; Girotto, G; Grarup, N; Hayward, C; Jukema, J W; Mook-Kanamori, D O; Olesen, M S; Padmanabhan, S; Psaty, B M; Pattaro, C.; Ribeiro, A L P; Rotter, J I; Stricker, B; Harst, P; Duijn, C M; Verweij, N; Wilson, J G; Orini, M; Charron, P; Watkins, H; Kooperberg, C; Lin, H J; Wilson, J F; Kanters, J K; Sotoodehnia, N; Mifsud, B; Lambiase, P D; Tereshchenko, L G; Munroe, P B

Genetic architecture of spatial electrical biomarkers for cardiac arrhythmia and relationship with cardiovascular disease Artículo de revista

En: Nature Communications, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Celotto, C; Sánchez, C; Mountris, K A; Laguna, P; Pueyo, E

Steady-State and Transient Effects of SK Channel Block and Adrenergic Stimulation to Counteract Acetylcholine-Induced Arrhythmogenic Effects in the Human Atria: A Computational Study Artículo de revista

En: Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Asadi, B; Cuenca-Zaldivar, J N; Ansari, N N; Ibáñez, J; Herrero, P; Calvo, S

Brain Analysis with a Complex Network Approach in Stroke Patients Based on Electroencephalography: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Artículo de revista

En: Healthcare, vol. 11, iss. 666, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Farina, D; Burdet, E; Mehring, C; Ibáñez, J

Roboticists Want to Give You a Third Arm: Neural control for manipulating extra robotic limbs Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Spectrum, vol. 60, no 3, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Rinkevičius, M; Charlton, P H; Bailón, R; Marozas, V

Influence of Photoplethysmogram Signal Quality on Pulse Arrival Time during Polysomnography Artículo de revista

En: Sensors, vol. 23, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Sokas, D; Tamuleviciute-Prasciene, E; Beigiene, A; Barasaite, V; Marozas, J; Kubilius, R; Bailón, R; Petrenas, A

Wearable-based Assessment of Heart Rate Response to Physical Stressors in Patients After Open-Heart Surgery With Frailty Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Lavalle, R; Condominas, E; Haro, J M; Giné-Vázquez, I; Bailón, R; Laporta, E; Garcia, E; Kontaxis, S; Alacid, G R; Lombardini, F; Preti, A; Peñarrubia-Maria, M T; Coromina, M; Arranz, B; Vilella, E; Rubio-Alacid, E; Spain, RADAR-MDD; Matcham, F; Lamers, F; Hotopf, M; Penninx, B W J H; Annas, P; Narayan, V; Simblett, S K; Siddi, S; Consortium, RADAR-CNS

The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Adults with Major Depressive Disorder from Catalonia: A Decentralized Longitudinal Study Artículo de revista

En: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 20, iss. 6, no 5161, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Kontaxis, S; Laporta, E; García, E; Guerrero, A I; Zabalza, A; Matteo, M; Lucia, R; Simblett, S; Weyer, J; Hotopf, M; Narayan, V A; Rashid, Z; Folarin, A A; Dobson, R J B; Buron, M D; Leocani, L; Cummins, N; Vairavan, S; Costa, G D; Magyari, M; Sørensen, P S; Nos, C; Bailón, R; Comi, G; Consortium, RADAR-CNS

Autonomic response to walk tests is useful for assessing outcome measures in people with multiple sclerosis Artículo de revista

En: Front Physiol., 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Siddi, S; Bailón, R; Giné-Vázquez, I; Matcham, F; Lamers, F; Kontaxis, S; Laporta, E; García, E; Lombardini, F; Annas, P; Hotopf, M; Penninx, B W J H; Ivan, A; White, K M; Difrancesco, S; Locatelli, P; Aguiló, J; Peñarrubia-Maria, M T; Narayan, V A; Folarin, A; Leightley, D; Cummins, N; Vairavan, S; Ranjan, Y; Rintala, A; Girolamo, G; Simblett, S K; Wykes, T; members, PAB; Myin-Germeys, I; Dobson, R; Haro, J M; Consortium, RADAR-CNS

The usability of daytime and night-time heart rate dynamics as digital biomarkers of depression severity Artículo de revista

En: Psychological Medicine, pp. 1-12, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Fong, P-Y; Spampinato, D; Michell, K; Mancuso, M; Brown, K; Ibáñez, J; Santo, A Di; Latorre, A; Bhatia, K; Rothwell, J C; Rocchi, L

EEG responses induced by cerebellar TMS at rest and during visuomotor adaptation Artículo de revista

En: Neuroimage, vol. 275, iss. 120188, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Viik, J; Laguna, P

QT Interval Time Lag in Response to Heart Rate Changes During Stress Test for Coronary Artery Disease Diagnosis Artículo de revista

En: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 86, no 105056, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Naderi, H; Ramírez, J; Duijvenboden, S; Ruiz, E; Aung, N; Wang, L; Chahal, C; Lekadir, K; Petersen, S; Munroe, P

Predicting left ventricular hypertrophy from the 12-lead electrocardiogram in the UK Biobank imaging study using machine learning Artículo de revista

En: European Heart Journal – Digital Health, vol. 4, pp. 316–324, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Sánchez, C; Hernando, A; Bolea, J; Izquierdo, D; Rodríguez, G; Olea, A; Lozano, M T; Peláez-Coca, M D

Enhancing Safety in Hyperbaric Environments through Analysis of Autonomic Nervous System Responses: A Comparison of Dry and Humid Conditions Artículo de revista

En: Sensors, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Spampinato, D A; Ibáñez, J; Rothwell, L Rocchiand J

Motor potentials evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation: interpreting a simple measure of a complex system Artículo de revista

En: J. Physiol, pp. 1–25, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Bukhari, H A; Sánchez, C; Laguna, P; Potse, M; Pueyo, E

Differences in ventricular wall composition may explain inter-patient variability in the ECG response to variations in serum potassium and calcium Artículo de revista

En: Front. Physiol. – Cardiac Electrophysiology, vol. 14, pp. 1-14, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Charlton, P H; Allen, J; Bailón, R; Baker, S; Behar, J A; Chen, F; Clifford, G D; Clifton, D A; Davies, H J; Ding, C; Ding, X; Dunn, J; Elgendi, M; Ferdoushi, M; Franklin, D; Gil, E; Hassan, Md F; Hernesniemi, J; Hu, X; Ji, N; Khan, Y; Kontaxis, S; Korhonen, I; Kyriacou, P A; Laguna, P; Lázaro, J; Lee, C; Levy, J; Li, Y; Liu, C; Liu, J; Lu, L; Mandic, D P; Marozas, V; Mejía-Mejía, E; Mukkamala, R; Nitzan, M; Pereira, T; Poon, C C Y; Ramella-Roman, J C; Saarinen, H; Shandhi, Md M H; Shin, H; Stansby, G; Tamura, T; Vehkaoja, A; Wang, W K; Zhang, Y-T; Zhao, N; Zheng, D; Zhu, T

The 2023 wearable photoplethysmography roadmap Artículo de revista

En: Physiological Measurement, vol. 44, no 111001, 2023.

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Bachi, L; Halvaei, H; Pérez, C; Martín-Yebra, A; Petrenas, A; Solosenko, A; Johnson, L; Marozas, V; Martínez, J P; Pueyo, E; Stridh, M; Laguna, P; Sörnmo, L

ECG Modeling for Simulation of Arrhythmias in Time-Varying Conditions Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng., vol. 70, no 12, pp. 3449 – 3460, 2023.

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Gómez-Fonseca, N; Ramírez, J; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Time-Warping Analysis of the T-Wave Peak-to-End Interval to Quantify Ventricular Repolarization Dispersion During Ischemia Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 27, no 11, pp. 5314-5325, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Bueno-Palomeque, F L; Mountris, K A; Ortigosa, N; Bailón, R; Bijnens, B; Crispi, F; Pueyo, E; Mincholé, A; Laguna, P

QRS-T angles as markers for heart sphericity in subjects with intrauterine growth restriction: a simulation study Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 27, no 10, pp. 4707-4718, 2023.

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Romagnoli, S; Pérez, C; Burattini, L; Pueyo, E; Morettini, M; Sbrollini, A; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Model-based Estimators of QT Series Time Delay in Following Heart-Rate Changes Conferencia

45nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Sydney, Australia, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Armañac-Julián, P; Martín-Montero, A; Hietakoste, S; Lázaro, J; Kainulainen, S; Gozal, D; Hornero, R; Laguna, P; Gutiérrez-Tobal, G C; Gil, E; Bailón, R

Characterization of Cardiopulmonary Coupling in Pediatric Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Bueno-Palomeque, F L; Mountris, K; Ortigosa, N; Bailón, R; Bijnens, B; Crispi, F; Pueyo, E; Mincholé, A; Laguna, P

QRS Width and T-peak to T-end Interval Are Prolonged in Preadolescents with Severe Intrauterine Growth Restriction at Birth When Compared to Controls Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Gómez-Fonseca, N; Ramírez, J; Martín-Yebra, A; Demidova, M M; Platonov, P; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Changes in T-peak-to-T-end Morphology Measured by Time-Warping Are Associated with Ischemia-Induced Ventricular Fibrillation in a Porcine Model Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Celotto, C; Sánchez, C; Abdollahpur, M; Sandberg, F; Laguna, P; Pueyo, E

Dependence of Atrial Fibrillatory Rate Variations Induced by Head-Up/Down Tilt-Test on Autonomic Action Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Evaluation of a QT Adaptation Time Estimator for ECG Exercise Stress Test in Controlled Simulation Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Noguero-Soler, I; Revilla, P; Ramos, J; Pueyo, E; Mincholé, A

ECG Morphology-Based Markers for Risk Stratification in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Rosales, R; Mountris, K; Doblaré, M; Mazo, M; Pueyo, E

In Silico Assessment of Arrhythmic Risk in Infarcted Ventricles Engrafted with Engineered Heart Tissues Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

García-Mendívil, L; Pérez, M; Rosales, R; Vallejo-Gil, J M; Fañanás-Mastral, J; Vázquez-Sancho, M; Bellido‑Morales, J A; Vaca‑Núñez, A S; Ballester-Cuenca, C; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Physiological Variations in CX43 and Fibrosis Deposition Affect Human Ventricular Electrophysiology Promoting Arrhythmia Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

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Rodríguez-Carbó, J; Mincholé, A; Pueyo, E

ECG-based Characterization of the Extent, Severity and Spatial Location of Acute Ischemia in Patients with and without Prior Myocardial Infarction Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

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Sales-Bellés, C; Mincholé, A; Melero, J; Cabrera-Ramos, M; Montilla-Padilla, I; Sorinas, L; Julián, I; Pueyo, E; Ramos, J

Left Bundle Branch Area Pacing Generates More Physiological Ventricular Activation Sequences than Right Ventricular Pacing Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Palacios, S; Smisek, R; Curila, K; Nguyen, U C; Prinzen, F; Halamek, J; Plesinger, F; Jurak, P; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P

Spatial Dispersion of Activation and Repolarization Times Associated with Different Cardiac Pacing Modes Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

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Rapalis, A; Sokas, D; Pluščiauskaitė, V; Jurgionytė, S; Stankevičiūtė, Ž; Lázaro, J; Savanevičienė, A; Bailón, R; Kaniusas, E; Marozas, V

Photoplethysmogram Morphology in Stress: From Mental to Pain to Physical Activity-induced Stress Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Ferrati, F; Gil, E; Lázaro, J

Coverage of PPG-based Wearable Devices During Office Tasks Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Ramírez, J; Miguel, A; Duijvenboden, S; Orini, M; Young, W; Tinker, A; Lambiase, P; Munroe, P; Martínez, J P

A Multi-layer CNN Using the ECG, Age and Sex Predicts Ventricular Arrhythmias in the General Population Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Martín-Yebra, A; Molinos, J; Martínez, J P

Assessment of QT Interval Dynamics Induced by Heart Rate Changes through Bivariate Phase-Rectified Signal Averaging Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Orini, M; Duijvenboden, S; Ramírez, J; Young, W; Tinker, A; Munroe, P; Lambiase, P

Ultra-Short Beat-to-Beat Repolarization Variability Predicts Cardiovascular Events in Individuals without Cardiovascular Disease Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Madrid, J; Munroe, P; Duijvenboden, S; Ramírez, J; Mincholé, A

ECG-Based Unsupervised Clustering in Coronary Artery Disease Associates with Ventricular Arrhythmia Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Pérez-Martínez, A; López-Andrés, C; Pastor-Oliver, C; Pueyo, E; Oliván-Viguera, A

Chronic myocardial infarction attenuates transmural heterogeneities and alters the response to endothelin and β-adrenergic stimulation in porcine ventricles Conferencia

Cross-Talk of cell in the Heart: Novel Mechanisms of Disease and Arrhythmias meeting, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Pérez-Martínez, A; Rosales, R M; Pastor, C; Oliván-Viguera, A; Pueyo, E

Cold storage of cardiac slices better preserve the native characteristics of cardiac tissue than traditional culture methods Conferencia

47th EWGCCE Annual meeting of the ESC Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology, Copenhagen, Dennmark, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Oliván-Viguera, A; Pérez-Martínez, A; García-Mendivil, L; Vaca-Nuñez, A S; Bellido-Morales, J A; Sorribas-Berjón, J F; Matamala-Adell, M; Vázquez-Sancho, M; Fañanás-Mastral, J; Vallejo-Gil, J M; Ballester-Cuenca, C; Pueyo, E

Eletrophysiologycal and immunohistological evaluation of SK channels from human ventricles: differential functional expression in valvular disease Conferencia

47th EWGCCE Annual meeting of the ESC Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology, Copenhagen, Dennmark, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Sales-Bellés, C; Melero, J; Ramos, J; Mincholé, A; Pueyo, E

Análisis frecuencial del complejo QRS del electrocardiograma para la caracterización de la estimulación con marcapasos Conferencia

XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A. Zaragoza, España "Vol. 11 (2023): Actas de la XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Garrido-Huéscar, E; Vandeweyer, L; García-Mendivil, L; Hernández-Bellido, N; Pueyo, E; de Vos, W H; Ordovás, L

Cardiomiocitos derivados de células pluripotentes inducidas (hiPSC-CM) con progerina inducible para estudiar envejecimiento cardiaco Conferencia

XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A. Zaragoza, España "Vol. 11 (2023): Actas de la XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Madrid, J; Ramírez, J; Mincholé, A

ECG-Based Unsupervised Clustering in Coronary Artery Disease Associates with Ventricular Arrhythmia Conferencia

XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A. Zaragoza, España "Vol. 11 (2023): Actas de la XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A, 2023.

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Pérez-Martínez, A; Pueyo, E; Oliván-Viguera, A

Evaluación electrofisiológica e immunohistológica de canales SK en ventrículo humano: expresión funcional en patología valvular Conferencia

XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A. Zaragoza, España "Vol. 11 (2023): Actas de la XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Gómez-Fonseca, N; Ramírez, J; Martín-Yebra, A; Platonov, P; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Los cambios en la morfología del intervalo Tpico-Tfin medidos mediante time-warping se asocian con la fibrilación ventricular inducida por la isquemia en un modelo porcino Conferencia

XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A. Zaragoza, España "Vol. 11 (2023): Actas de la XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Hernández-Bellido, N; Ramos-Marquès, E; Hernández-Vicente, A; García-Mendivil, L; Santander-Badules, H; Mercanti, G; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Garatachea, N; Köhler, R; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L

microRNAs en envejecimiento cardiaco humano: dianas terapéuticas y biomarcadores Conferencia

XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A. Zaragoza, España "Vol. 11 (2023): Actas de la XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Lázaro, J; Bailón, R; Gil, E

Potential of Electrocardiogram-Derived-Respiration based on QRS slopes and R-wave angle for Discriminating Apneic from Non-Apneic Segments Conferencia

IEEE 19th International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN), Boston MA, USA, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Bueno, J M; Martínez-Ojeda, R M; Asensio, M C; García-Mendívil, L; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Age-related Changes in Tissue Structure of the Heart Left Ventricle Assessed with Multiphoton Microscopy Conferencia

Optica Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences, Vancouver (Canada), 2023.


Hernández-Bellido, N; Ramos-Marquès, E; Hernández-Vicente, A; García-Mendívil, L; Santanter-Badules, H; Mercanti, G; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Garatachea, N; Kohler, R; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L

microRNAs in human cardiac aging: therapeutic targets and biomarkers Conferencia

I Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado Iberus Connect (CEDIC), Zaragoza (Spain), 2023.


Vandeweyer, L; Molenbergh, F; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Loeys, B; Ordovás, L; Vos, W H De

Lamin-mediated chromatin condensation in dilated cardiomyopathy Conferencia

4th International Meeting on Laminopathies, Madrid (Spain), 2023.


Garrido-Huéscar, E; Vandeweyer, L; García-Mendívil, L; Hernández-Bellido, N; Pueyo, E; Vos, W H De; Ordovás, L

A progerin-inducible human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell line to study cardiac cell aging Conferencia

4th International Meeting on Laminopathies, Madrid (Spain), 2023.


González-Lana, S; Oliván-Viguera, A; Rosales, R M; Remacha, A R; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E; Monge, R; Sánchez-Somolinos, C; Ciriza, J; Ochoa, I

Structural and functional impact of co-culturing iPSC-CM and HCAEC within microfluidic devices exposed to mechanical and electrical stimuli Conferencia

European organ-on-chip society Annual Meeting, Berlin (Alemania), 2023.


Hernández-Bellido, N; Postigo, A; Orrite, C; Garrido-Huéscar, E; García-Mendívil, L; Pueyo, E; Hernández-Ainsa, S; Ordovás, L

Non-viral delivery of microRNA therapies for cardiac dysfunction using DNA nanostructures Conferencia

12º Congreso bianual de la Sociedad Española de Terapia Génica y Celular (SETGyC), Pamplona (Sapin), 2023.


Sánchez-Barat, M; Hernández-Bellido, N; Postigo, A; Ordovás, L; Hernández-Ainsa, S

Towards post-ischemic cardiac regeneration with microRNA therapy and customized DNA-based nanostructures Conferencia

12º Congreso bianual de la Sociedad Española de Terapia Génica y Celular (SETGyC), Pamplona (Sapin), 2023.


Hernández-Ainsa, S; Postigo, A; Hernández-Bellido, N; Sánchez-Barat, M; Sarasa, L; Ordovás, L; del Barrio, J

Tailoring DNA-based nanostructures for the delivery of therapeutic agents Conferencia

XXXIX Reunión Bienal de Química, Zaragoza (Spain), 2023.


Sánchez-Barat, M; Hernández-Bellido, N; Postigo, A; Ordovás, L; Hernández-Ainsa, S

Development of customised DNA-based nanostructures to treat heart disease by gene therapy Conferencia

XXXIX Reunión Bienal de Química, Zaragoza (Spain), 2023.


Garrido-Huéscar, E; Verschuuren, M; Vandeweyer, L; Santander-Badules, H; Pueyo, E; Vos, W H De; Ordovás, L

High-content phenotypic profiling to advance the maturation state of human induced pluripotent stem cells derived cardiomyocytes Conferencia

Cellular Biology of the Heart & Myocardial Function (CBFH) Biennial meeting 2023, Naples (Italy), 2023.


Postigo, A; Hernández-Bellido, N; Sánchez-Barat, M; Orrite, C; Garrido-Huéscar, E; García-Mendívil, L; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L; Hernández-Ainsa, S

Design of DNA-based nanocarriers for the delivery of microRNA therapies against cardiac dysfunction Conferencia

Cellular Biology of the Heart & Myocardial Function (CBFH) Biennial meeting 2023, Naples (Italy), 2023.


García-Mendívil, L; Hernández-Bellido, N; Sánchez-Barat, M; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Vallejo-Gil, J M; Matamala-Adell, M; Sorribas-Berjón, J F; Bellido‑Morales, J A; Vaca‑Núñez, A S; Ballester-Cuenca, C; Verfaillie, C M; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L

Progerin is an unlikely contributor to natural cardiac aging, but promotes age-related phenotypes in vitro Conferencia

Cellular Biology of the Heart & Myocardial Function (CBFH) Biennial meeting 2023, Naples (Italy), 2023.


Sánchez-Barat, M; Hernández-Bellido, N; Postigo, A; Hernández-Ainsa, S; Ordovás, L

Exploiting the therapeutic potential of microRNAs and DNA nanotechnology to create novel cardioregenerative treatments Conferencia

Cellular Biology of the Heart & Myocardial Function (CBFH) Biennial meeting 2023, Naples (Italy), 2023.


Hernández-Bellido, N; Ramos-Marquès, E; Hernández-Vicente, A; García-Mendívil, L; Santander-Badules, H; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Sánchez-Barat, M; Garatachea, N; Kohler, R; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L

Identification of biological age indicators as potential predictors of physical and cardiac-related conditions Conferencia

Cellular Biology of the Heart & Myocardial Function (CBFH) Biennial meeting 2023, Naples (Italy), 2023.


Vandeweyer, L; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Akdeniz, D; Loeys, B; Ordovás, L; Vos, W H De

Nuclear envelope stress in cardiac laminopathy patient derived Conferencia

Joint Meeting of the BeSSCR & RBSCDB on cell plasticity, Brussels (Belgium), 2023.


Perez, S; Kontaxis, S; García, E; Siddi, S; Cummins, N; Vairavan, S; Matcham, F; Haro, J M; Hotopf, M; Lamers, F; Penninx, B; Dobson, R; Narayan, V; Bailón, R; Martín-Yebra, A; consortium the RADAR-CNS,

Monitorización de la depresión mediante el análisis de la circadianidad del ritmo cardíaco proporcionado por un dispositivo wearable Conferencia

VLI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB, Cartagena, España, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Javierre, M; Kloostermann, M; Dam, P Van; Eijsvogels, T; Pueyo, E; Bailón, R

Análisis de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca en maratonianos Conferencia

VLI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB, Cartagena, España, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Palacios, S; Smisek, R; Curila, K; Nguyen, U; Prinzen, F W; Halamek, J; Plesinger, F; Jurak, P; Martínez, J P; Pueyo, E

Dispersión espacial de los tiempos de activación y repolarización asociada a diferentes modos de estimulación cardiaca Conferencia

VLI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB, Cartagena, España, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Estimadores del retardo entre las series de QT y RR en registros ECG de prueba de esfuerzo: evaluación en simulación Conferencia

VLI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB, Cartagena, España, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Armañac-Julián, P; Martín-Montero, A; Hietakoste, S; Lázaro, J; Kainulainen, S; Gozal, D; Hornero, R; Laguna, P; Gutiérrez-Tobal, G; Gil, E; Bailón, R

Caracterización del Acoplo Cardiopulmonar en Pacientes Pediátricos con Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño Conferencia

Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB, Cartagena, España, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Gómez, N; Ramírez, J; Martín-Yebra, A; Demidova, M M; Platonov, P; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Los cambios en la morfología del pico al fin de la onda T, cuantificados mediante “time-warping”, están asociados con la aparición de fibrilación ventricular en un modelo porcino de isquemia aguda Conferencia

VLI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB, Cartagena, España, 2023.

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Tesis doctorales

Riccio, J

Characterization of Atrial Propagation Patterns and Substrate using Novel Electrogram-Based Approaches in Multielectrode Catheters Tesis doctoral


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Bukhari, H A

Estimation of Serum Potassium and Calcium Concentrations from Electrocardiographic Depolarization and Repolarization Waveforms Tesis doctoral


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Celotto, C

In silico characterization of atrial electrical activity modulation by the autonomic nervous system for atrial fibrillation management Tesis doctoral


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García-Mendívil, L

Ex vivo, in vitro and in silico characterization of human cardiac aging and its impact on Arrhythmic risk Tesis doctoral


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Artículos de revista

Kanoni, S; Graham, S E; Wang, Y; Ramírez, J; al.,

Implicating genes, pleiotropy and sexual dimorphism at blood lipid loci through multi-ancestry meta-analysis Artículo de revista

En: Genome Biology, vol. 23, iss. 1, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Pelaez-Coca, M D; Hernando, A; Lázaro, J; Gil, E.

Impact of the PPG sampling rate in the pulse rate variability indices evaluating several fiducial points in different pulse waveforms Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Hernando, A; Posada-Quintero, H; Peláez-Coca, M D; Gil, E; Chon, K

Autonomic Nervous System characterization in hyperbaric environments considering respiratory component and non-linear analysis of Heart Rate Variability Artículo de revista

En: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 214, no 106527, pp. 1-13, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Han, D; Bashar, S K; Lázaro, J; Mohagheghia, F; Peitzsch, A; Nishita, N; Ding, E; Dickson, E L; DiMezza, D; Scott, J; Whitcomb, C; Fitzgibbons, T P; McManus, D D; Chon, K H

A Real-Time PPG Peak Detection Method for Accurate Determination of Heart Rate during Sinus Rhythm and Cardiac Arrhythmia Artículo de revista

En: Biosensors, vol. 12(2), no 82, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

García-Mendívil, L; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Mountris, K; Duwé, S; Smisdom, N; Pérez, M; Luján, L; Wolfs, E; Driesen, R B; Vallejo-Gil, J M; Fresneda-Roldán, P C; Fañanás-Mastral, J; Vázquez-Sancho, M; Matamala-Adell, M; Sorribas-Berjón, J F; Bellido-Morales, J A; Mancebón-Sierra, F J; Vaca-Núñez, A S; Ballester-Cuenca, C; Oliván-Viguera, A; Diez, E; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Analysis of age-related left ventricular collagen remodeling in living donors: implications in arrhythmogenesis Artículo de revista

En: iScience, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Sánchez, F J; Pueyo, E; Diez, E R

Strain echocardiography to predict postoperative atrial fibrillation Artículo de revista

En: Int. J. Mol. Sci., vol. 23, pp. 1355, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Bukhari, H A; Sánchez, C; Srinivasan, S; Palmieri, F; Potse, M; Laguna, P; Pueyo, E

Estimation of Potassium Levels in Hemodialysis Patients by T wave Nonlinear Dynamics and Morphology Markers Artículo de revista

En: Computers in Biology and Medicine, In press, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Groot, N M S; Shah, D; Boyle, P M; Anter, E; Clifford, G D; Deisenhofer, I; Deneke, T; Dessel, P; Doessel, O; Dilaveris, P; Heinzel, F R; Kapa, S; Lambiase, P D; Lumens, J; Platonov, P G; Ngarmukos, T; Martínez, J P; Sanchez, A Olaya; Takahashi, Y; Valdigem, B P; Veen, A-J; Vernooy, K; Casado-Arroyo, R

Critical appraisal of technologies to assess electrical activity during atrial fibrillation: a position paper from the European Heart Rhythm Association and European Society of Cardiology Working Group on eCardiology in collaboration with the Heart Rhythm Society, Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society, Latin American Heart Rhythm Society and Computing in Cardiology Artículo de revista

En: EP Europace, vol. euab254, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Liu, S; Han, J; Puyal, E L; Kontaxis, S; Sun, S; Locatelli, P; Dineley, J; Pokorny, F B; Costa, G Dalla; Leocani, L; Guerrero, A I; Nos, C; Zabalza, A; Sørensen, P Soelberg; Buron, M; Magyari, M; Ranjan, Y; Rashid, Z; Conde, P; Stewart, C; Folarin, A A; Dobson, R J B; Bailón, R; Vairavan, S; Cummins, N; Narayan, V A; Hotopf, M; Comi, G; Schuller, B; Consortium, RADAR-CNS

Fitbeat: COVID-19 estimation based on wristband heart rate using a contrastive convolutional auto-encoder Artículo de revista

En: Pattern recognition, vol. 123, no 108403, 2022.

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Berenfeld, O; Corino, V D A; Loewe, A; Martínez, J P; Rodríguez, J F

Editorial: Atrial Fibrillation: Technology for Diagnosis, Monitoring, and Treatment Artículo de revista

En: Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 13, no 848096, pp. 1-4, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Palmieri, F; Gomis, P; Ferreira, D; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P; Ramírez, J

Weighted Time Warping Improves T-wave Morphology Markers Clinical Significance Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Bräcklein, M; Barsakcioglu, D Y; Ibáñez, J; Eden, J; Burdet, E; Mehring, C; Farina, D

The control and training of single motor units in isometric tasks are constrained by a common input signal Artículo de revista

En: Elife, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Martín-Yebra, A; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

QT interval Adaptation to Heart Rate Changes in Atrial Fibrillation as a Predictor of Sudden Cardiac Death Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Eden, J; Bräcklein, M; Ibáñez, J; Barsakcioglu, D Y; Pino, G Di; Farina, D; Burdet, E; Mehring, C

Principles of human movement augmentation and the challenges in making it a reality Artículo de revista

En: Nat Commun, vol. 13, no 1345, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Bräcklein, M; Barsakcioglu, D Y; Vecchio, A; Ibáñez, J; Farina, D

Reading and modulating cortical beta bursts from motor unit spiking activity Artículo de revista

En: J. Neurosci, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Bukhari, H A; Sánchez, C; Ruiz, J E; Potse, M; Laguna, P; Pueyo, E

Monitoring of Serum Potassium and Calcium Levels in End-stage Renal Disease Patients by ECG Depolarization Morphology Analysis Artículo de revista

En: Sensors, vol. 22, no 2951, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Matas, J F R; Berenfeld, O; Loewe, A; Corino, V; Martínez, J P

Atrial Fibrillation: Technology for Diagnosis, Monitoring, and Treatment Artículo de revista

En: Lausanne: Frontiers Media S, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Albors, C; Lluch, E; Gomez, J F; Cedilnik, N; Mountris, K A; Mansi, T; Khamzin, S; Dokuchaev, A; Solovyova, O; Pueyo, E; Sermesant, M; Sebastian, R; Morales, H G; Camara, O

Meshless electrophysiological modeling of cardiac resynchronization therapy—benchmark analysis with finite-element methods in experimental data Artículo de revista

En: Applied Sciences, vol. 12, no 6438, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Ramírez, J; Duijvenboden, S; Young, W J; Tinker, A; Lambiase, P D; Orini, M; Munroe, P B

Prediction of Coronary Artery Disease and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events Using Clinical and Genetic Risk Scores for Cardiovascular Risk Factors Artículo de revista

En: Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Ramírez, J; Kiviniemi, A; Duijvenboden, S; Tinker, A; Lambiase, P D; Junttila, J; Perkiömäki, J S; Huikuri, H V; Orini, M; Munroe, P B

ECG T-wave Morphology Variations Predict Ventricular Arrhythmic Risk in Low- and Moderate-risk Populations Artículo de revista

En: JAHA: J Am Heart Assoc, vol. 11, iss. e025897, 2022.

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Barrio, R; Martínez, M A; Serrano, S; Pueyo, E

Dynamical mechanism for generation of arrhythmogenic early afterdepolarizations in cardiac myocytes: Insights from in silico electrophysiological models Artículo de revista

En: Physical Review E., vol. 106, no 024402, 2022.

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Rivolta, M; Martínez, J P; Sassi, R; Laguna, P

Spatial Correlation Between Myocyte’s Repolarization Times and their Alternans Drives T-Wave Alternans on the ECG Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal ofBiomedical and Hwealth Informatics, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Cajal, D; Hernando, D; Lázaro, J; Laguna, P; Gil, E; Bailón, R

Effects of Missing Data on Heart Rate Variability Metrics Artículo de revista

En: Sensors, vol. 22, no 5774, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Santos-Rodrigues, A; Augustauskas, R; Lukoševičius, M; Laguna, P; Marozas, V

Deep-Learning-Based Estimation of the Spatial QRS-T Angle From Reduced-lead ECGs Artículo de revista

En: Sensors, vol. 22, no 5414, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Armañac, P; Kontaxis, S; Rapalis, A; Marozas, V; Laguna, P; Bailón, R; Gil, E; Lázaro, J

Reliability of Pulse Photoplethysmography Sensors: Coverage Using Different Setups and Body Locations Artículo de revista

En: Frontiers in Electronics, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Riccio, J; Alcaine, A; Rocher, S; Martínez-Mateu, L; Saiz, J; Invers-Rubio, E; Guillem, M S; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Atrial Fibrosis Identification with Unipolar Electrogram Eigenvalue Distribution Analysis in Multi-Electrode Arrays Artículo de revista

En: Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2022.

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Lubel, E; Sgambato, B G; Barsakcioglu, D Y; Ibáñez, J; Tang, M X; Farina, D

Kinematics of individual muscle units in natural contractions measured in vivo using ultrafast ultrasound Artículo de revista

En: Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 19, iss. 5, no 056005, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Vecchio, A; Jones, R H A; Schofield, I S; Kinfe, T M; Ibáñez, J; Farina, D; Baker, S N

Interfacing Motor Units in Non-Human Primates Identifies a Principal Neural Component for Force Control Constrained by the Size Principle Artículo de revista

En: The Journal of Neuroscience, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Montero-Calle, P; Flandes-Iparraguirre, M; Mountris, K; Nava, A S; Laita, N; Rosales, R M; Iglesias-García, O; De-Juan-Pardo, E M; Atienza, F; Fernández-Santos, M E; Peña, E; Doblaré, M; Gavira, J J; Fernández-Avilés, F; Prosper, F; Pueyo, E; Vega, M M Mazo

Fabrication of human myocardium using multidimensional modelling of engineered tissues Artículo de revista

En: Biofabrication, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Monasterio, V; Pueyo, E; Rodríguez-Matas, J F; Carro, J

Cardiac cells stimulated with an axial current-like waveform reproduce electrophysiological properties of tissue fibers Artículo de revista

En: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Hernández-Vicente, A; Marín-Puyalto, J; Pueyo, E; Vicente-Rodríguez, G; Garatachea, N

Physical activity in centenarians beyond cut-point-based accelerometer metrics Artículo de revista

En: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Casula, E P; Leodori, G; Ibáñez, J; Benussi, A; Rawji, V; Tremblay, S; Latorre, A; Rothwell, J C; Rocchi, L

The Effect of Coil Orientation on the Stimulation of the Pre-Supplementary Motor Area : A Combined TMS and EEG Study Artículo de revista

En: Brain Sciences, vol. 12, iss. 10, pp. 1-15, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Yengo, L; Vedantam, S; Marouli, E; al,; Ramírez, J; al,

A saturated map of common genetic variants associated with human height Artículo de revista

En: Nature, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Mountris, K; Pueyo, E

A meshless fragile points method for rule-based definition of myocardial fiber orientation Artículo de revista

En: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 226, no 107164, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Zicher, B; Ibáñez, J; Farina, D

Beta inputs to motor neurons do not directly contribute to volitional force modulation Artículo de revista

En: The Journal of Physiology, pp. 1-13, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Mountris, K; Dong, L; Guan, Y; Atluri, S N; Pueyo, E

A meshless fragile points method for the solution of the monodomain model for cardiac electrophysiology simulation Artículo de revista

En: Journal of Computational Science, vol. 65, no 101880, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Sun, S; Folarin, A A; Zhang, Y; Cummins, N; Liu, S; Stewart, C; Ranjan, Y; Rashid, Z; Conde, P; Laiou, P; Sankesara, H; Costa, G Dalla; Leocani, L; Sørensen, P S; Magyari, M; Guerrero, A I; Zabalza, A; Vairavan, S; Bailon, R; Simblett, S; Myin-Germeys, I; Rintala, A; Wykes, T; Narayan, V A; Hotopf, M; Comi, G; Dobson, R J B; Consortium, RADAR-CNS

The utility of wearable devices in assessing ambulatory impairments of people with multiple sclerosis in free-living conditions Artículo de revista

En: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 227, iss. 107204, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Siddi, S; Giné-Vázquez, I; Bailón, R; Matcham, F; Lamers, F; Kontaxis, S; Laporta, E; García, E; Arranz, B; Costa, G Dalla; Guerrero, A I; Zabalza, A; Buron, M Due; Comi, G; Leocani, L; Annas, P; Hotopf, M; Penninx, B W J H; Magyari, M; Sørensen, P S; Montalban, X; Lavelle, G; Ivan, A; Oetzmann, C; White, K M; Difrancesco, S; Locatelli, P; Mohr, D C; Aguiló, J; Narayan, V; Folarin, A; Dobson, R J B; Dineley, J; Leightley, D; Cummins, N; Vairavan, S; Ranjan, Y; Rashid, Z; Rintala, A; Girolamo, G De; Preti, A; Simblett, S; Wykes, T; Members, PAB; Myin-Germeys, I; Haro, J M; Consortium, RADAR-CNS

Biopsychosocial Response to the COVID-19 Lockdown in People with Major Depressive Disorder and Multiple Sclerosis Artículo de revista

En: Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 11, iss. 23, no 7163, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Ramdas, S; Judd, J; Graham, S E; Ramírez, J; al.,

A multi-layer functional genomic analysis to understand noncoding genetic variation in lipids Artículo de revista

En: American Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 109, pp. 1366 – 1387, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX


Sales, C; Palacios, S; Melero, J; Julián, I; Ramos, J; Martínez, J P; Mincholé, A; Pueyo, E

Assessment and optimization of conduction system pacing for anti-bradycardia pacemaker therapy Conferencia

STAFF-MALT Symposium 2022, Senohraby, Czech Republic, 2022.


Postigo, A; Hernández-Bellido, N; Ordovás, L; del Barrio, J; Hernández-Ainsa, S

DNA nanostructures customized for therapeutic delivery Conferencia

Spanish Conference on Biomedical Applications of Nanomaterials (SBAN), Madrid, Spain, 2022.


Garrido-Huéscar, E; García-Mendívil, L; Hernández-Bellido, N; Sánchez-Barat, M; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L

Development of new human models to determine age-related cardiotoxicity of drugs Conferencia

Stem Cells and Stem Cell Models in Disease and Health (SCMIDH), Hasselt, Belgium, 2022.


Ordovás, L

Human-based in vitro and in silico tools: models for cardiac ageing and nanotherapy development Conferencia

Stem Cells and Stem Cell Models in Disease and Health (SCMIDH), Hasselt, Belgium, 2022.


Armañac-Julián, P; Martín-Montero, A; Lázaro, J; Kontaxis, S; Álvarez, D; Gozal, D; Hornero, R; Laguna, P; Gutiérrez-Tobal, G; Bailón, R; Gil, E

Changes in HRV metrics during sleep apnea episodes in children Conferencia

European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), Štrbské Pleso (Slovakia), 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Cajal, D; Gil, E; Laguna, P; Varon, C; Testelmans, D; Buyse, B; Jensen, C; Hoare, R; Bailón, R; Lázaro, J

Sleep apnea severity stratification by an FFT-based PPG-derived index Conferencia

European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), Štrbské Pleso (Slovakia), 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Javierre, M; Miguel, M Posadas-de; Lázaro, J; Castro, T; García, E; Gil, E; Cámara, C; Aguiló, J; Bailón, R; Kontaxis, S

Quantification of stress and depression level posed by COVID-19 in first-line healthcare workers Conferencia

European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), Štrbské Pleso (Slovakia), 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Cajal, D; Miguel, M Posadas-de; Cámara, C; Kontaxis, S; Lázaro, J; Bailón, R

Smartphone PPG validation for a depression assessment protocol Conferencia

IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering – EHB 2022 – 10th Edition, Iasi – Romania, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

García-Mendívil, L; Hernández-Bellido, N; Sánchez-Barat, M; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Oliveros, J C; Torres-Pérez, R; Ramos-Marqués, E; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L

Envejecimiento cardíaco humano: transcriptómica y desarrollo de modelos celulares Conferencia

II Congreso Anual de Estudiantes de Doctorado (CAED), Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche, 2022.


García-Mendívil, L; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Mountris, K M; Mancebón-Sierra, F J; Vaca-Núñez, A S; Duwé, S; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Caracterización del remodelado del colágeno asociado a la edad en el ventrículo izquierdo humano de donantes vivos y sus implicaciones en la generación de arritmias Conferencia

XI Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, 2022.

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Sales, C; Pueyo, E; Julián, I; Sorinas, L; Cabrera, M; Ruiz, J R; Ramos, J

Cambios en la despolarización y repolarización producidos por la estimulación de rama izquierda frente a la estimulación convencional Conferencia

Ritmo22, Granada, España, 2022.


Melero, J; Sales, C; Julián, I; Ruiz, J R; Pueyo, E; Ramos, J

Estimulación de rama izquierda frente a estimulación de ventrículo derecho: cambios en la despolarización y en la repolarización Conferencia

Congreso de la Salud Cardiovascular, Palma de Mallorca, España, 2022.


Sales, C; Melero, J; Julián, I; Ramos, J; Mincholé, A; Pueyo, E

Comparación de los efectos de la estimulación cardíaca convencional y la estimulación de rama izquierda sobre la despolarización y repolarización ventricular en el ECG Conferencia

Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, Zaragoza, España, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Celotto, C; Sánchez, C; Abdollahpur, M; Sandberg, F; Rodriguez-Matas, J F; Laguna, P; Pueyo, E

Effects of Acetylcholine Release Spatial Distribution on the Frequency of Atrial Reentrant Circuits: a Computational Study Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVIII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Tampere, Finland, 2022.


Moreno, C; Martín-Yebra, A; Savelev, A; Platonov, P; Laguna, P; Martínez, J P

Analysis of P-wave Changes for Prediction of Atrial Fibrillation Episodes Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVIII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Tampere, Finland, 2022.


Gómez-Fonseca, N; Ramírez, J; Laguna, P; Martínez, J P

Time-warping based end-of-T-wave shape marker reflects repolarization changes during ischemia Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVIII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Tampere, Finland, 2022.


Bukhari, H A; Sánchez, C; Laguna, P; Potse, M; Pueyo, E

Inter-individual differences in cell composition across the ventricular wall may explain variability in ECG response to serum potassium and calcium variations Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVIII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Tampere, Finland, 2022.


Gómez, M; Carro, J; Pueyo, E; Monasterio, V

An in Silico Investigation into the Role of SK Channels in Failing Ventricular Myocytes Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVIII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Tampere, Finland, 2022.


Rosales, R M; Mountris, K; Doblaré, M; Mazo, M; Pueyo, E

Ventricular Conduction System Modeling for Electrophysiological Simulation of the Porcine Heart Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVIII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Tampere, Finland, 2022.


Bukhari, H A; Sánchez, C; Pueyo, E; Potse, M

Accelerating stabilization of whole-heart models after changes in cycle length Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVIII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Tampere, Finland, 2022.


Sales, C; Palacios, S; Melero, J; Julián, I; Ramos, J; Martínez, J P; Mincholé, A; Pueyo, E

Right Ventricular vs Left Bundle Branch Pacing-Induced Changes in ECG Depolarization and Repolarization Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVIII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Tampere, Finland, 2022.


Usón, M; Bie, J; Maestri, R; Rovere, M T La; Martínez, J P; Martín-Yebra, A

Cosinor-Based Circadianity of T-Wave Alternans Activity as a Predictor of Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure: a Post-Hoc Analysis of the GISSI-HF Holter Substudy Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVIII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Tampere, Finland, 2022.


Orini, M; Duijvenboden, S; Ramírez, J; Tinker, A; Munroe, P; Lambiase, P

Uncoupling Between Heart Rate Variability and Heart Rate During Exercise and Recovery as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Event Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVIII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Tampere, Finland, 2022.


Naderi, H; Ramírez, J; Duijvenboden, S; Ruiz-Pujadas, E; Wang, L; Lekadir, K; Petersen, S; Munroe, P

Classifying Left Ventricular Hypertrophy from Extracted Morphological Electrocardiogram Biomarkers using Random Forest Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVIII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Tampere, Finland, 2022.


Pérez-Martínez, A; Oliván-Viguera, A; Pueyo, E

La endotelina-1 aumenta la heterogeneidad de la repolarización ventricular en cerdos con infarto crónico de miocardio Conferencia

XI Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A, Zaragoza, España, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Pérez-Martínez, A; Pueyo, E; Oliván-Viguera, A

Endothelin-1 enhances transmural heterogeneities in healthy porcine ventricular myocardium Conferencia

46th European Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology (EWGCCE), Toledo, España, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Oliván-Viguera, A; Pérez-Martínez, A; García-Mendívil, L; López-Yus, M; Mancebón-Sierra, F J; Vaca-Núñez, A S; Bellido-Morales, A; Sorribas-Berjón, J F; Matamala-Adell, M; Vázquez-Sancho, M; Fañanás-Mastral, J; Vallejo-Gil, J M; Ballester-Cuenca, C; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Köehler, R; Arbonés-Mainar, J M; Pueyo, E

SK channels characterization in the human ventricle: differences in expression levels and electrophysiological role in non-diseased and heart failure ventricles Conferencia

46th European Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology (EWGCCE), Toledo, España, 2022.


Oliván-Viguera, A; Pérez-Martínez, A; Pueyo, E

Endothelin-1 amplifies ventricular repolarization heterogeneities in chronic myocardial infarction pigs Conferencia

Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine (FCVB), Cardiovascular Research, Volume 118, Issue Supplement_1, June 2022 Budapest, Hungría, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Pérez-Martínez, A; García-Mendívil, L; López-Yus, M; Mancebón-Sierra, F J; Vaca-Núñez, A S; Ballester-Cuenca, C; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Köehler, R; Pueyo, E; Oliván-Viguera, A

SK channels contribution to ventricular electrophysiology in heart failure patients Conferencia

Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine (FCVB), Cardiovascular Research, Volume 118, Issue Supplement_1, June 2022 Budapest, Hungría, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Pérez-Martínez, A; Bellido-Morales, A; Fañanás-Mastral, J; Matamala-Adell, M; Sorribas-Berjón, J F; Vallejo-Gil, J M; Vázquez-Sancho, M; Ballester-Cuenca, C; Oliván-Viguera, A; Pueyo, E

Caracterización del papel de los canales SK en el remodelado ventricular producido por insuficiencia cardíaca Conferencia

II Congreso Anual Internacional de Estudiantes de Doctorado (CAED), Elche, España, 2022.


Oliván-Viguera, A; García-Otín, A L; Lozano-Gerona, J; Abarca-Lachen, E; García-Malinis, A J; Hamilton, K L; Gilaberte, Y; Pueyo, E; Köhler, R

Cell damage and apoptosis induced by TRPV4 activation in human melanoma cells and Hacat keratinocytes Conferencia

Reunión Anual de Sociedades de Biociencias 2022, Reunión conjunta SAIC SAI & FAIC SAFIS 2022, Medicina. Buenos Aires, Vol. 82 Supl. V – 2022 Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Garrido-Huéscar, E; García-Mendivil, L; Hernández-Bellido, N; Sánchez-Barat, M; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L

Development of new human models to determine age related cardiotoxicity of drugs Conferencia

Stem cells and stem cell models in disease & health (SCMiDH), Hasselt, Belgium, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Garrido-Huéscar, E; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Development of new computational models to evaluate age-related drugs cardiotoxicity Conferencia

XI Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón (I3A), Zaragoza, Spain, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Garrido-Huéscar, E; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Development of new human models to determine age-related cardiotoxicity of drugs Conferencia

I ipIBA Day, Zaragoza, Spain, 2022.


Garrido-Huéscar, E; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Development of new human models to determine age-related cardiotoxicity of drugs Conferencia

Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine (FCVB), Budapest, Hungría, 2022.


Garrido-Huéscar, E; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Human cardiac models for investigation of age-related cardiotoxic effects of drug compounds Conferencia

XV CIBER-BBN Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain, 2022.


Hernández-Bellido, N; Postigo, A; Orrite, C; Garrido-Huéscar, E; García-Mendivil, L; Pueyo, E; Hernández-Ainsa, S; Ordovás, L

Terapias cardiacas avanzadas con microRNAs basadas en nanoestructuras de DNA Conferencia

XI Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores, Zaragoza, Spain, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Hernández-Bellido, N; Postigo, A; Orrite, C; Garrido-Huéscar, E; García-Mendivil, L; Pueyo, E; Hernández-Ainsa, S; Ordovás, L

Towards advanced cardiac miRNA therapies through DNA-based nanostructures Conferencia

Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine (FCVB), Budapest, Hungría, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Hernández-Bellido, N; Postigo, A; Orrite, C; Garrido-Huéscar, E; García-Mendivil, L; Pueyo, E; Hernández-Ainsa, S; Ordovás, L

Terapias cardiacas avanzadas con microRNAs basadas en nanoestructuras de DNA Conferencia

I iPIBA Day, Zaragoza, Spain, 2022.


Hernández-Bellido, N; Köhler, R; Ordovás, L

MicroRNAs cardiacos en envejecimiento: Dianas terapéuticas y biomarcadores Conferencia

I iPIBA Day, Zaragoza, Spain, 2022.


Postigo, A; Marín, P; Hernández-Bellido, N; Ordovás, L; Barrio, J; Hernández-Ainsa, S

Development of tailored DNA nanostructures for anticancer drug delivery Conferencia

XXXVIII Reunión Bienal RSEQ, Granada, España, 2022.


Postigo, A; Hernández-Bellido, N; Ordovás, L; Barrio, J; Hernández-Ainsa, S

DNA nanostructures customized for therapeutic delivery Conferencia

5th Spanish Conference on Biomedical Applications of Nanomaterials SBAN, Madrid, Spain, 2022.


Velarte, A; Otín, A; Guimera, A; Pueyo, E; Villa, R

Improving Signal Stability in a Multi-Electrode Array (MEA) System for Cardiac Biopsies Conferencia

Proceedings of the 37th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, Pamplona, Spain, 2022.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Velarte, A; Otín, A; Pueyo, E

Análisis y modelado de la impedancia de una matriz de microelectrodos (MEA) fabricados en oro mediante platino negro Conferencia

XI Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A, 2022.

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Tesis doctorales

Palmieri, F

Serum Potassium Concentration Monitoring by ECG Time Warping Analysis on the T wave Tesis doctoral


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Hernández-Vicente, A

Actividad física y electrofisiología cardíaca: A propósito del envejecimiento y la longevidad excepcional Tesis doctoral


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Artículos de revista

Solbiati, S; Martín-Yebra, A; Vaïda, P; Caiani, E

Evaluation of Cardiac Circadian Rhythm Deconditioning Induced by 5-to-60 Days of Head-Down Bed Rest Artículo de revista

En: Front. Physiol., vol. 11, no 612188, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Hernández-Vicente, A; Hernando, D; Marín-Puyalto, J; Vicente-Rodríguez, G; Garatachea, N; Pueyo, E; Bailón, R

Validity of the Polar H7 Heart Rate Sensor for Heart Rate Variability Analysis during Exercise in Different Age, Body Composition and Fitness Level Groups Artículo de revista

En: Sensors, vol. 21, no 902, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Segovia-Roldán, M; Diez, E R; Pueyo, E

Melatonin to rescue the aged heart: antiarrhythmic and antioxidant benefits. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Artículo de revista

En: Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, vol. ID 8876792, pp. 1-18, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Palmieri, F; Gomis, P; Ruiz, J E; Ferreira, D; Martín-Yebra, A; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Ramírez, J; Laguna, P

Nonlinear T-wave Time Warping-based Sensing Model for Non-invasive Personalized Blood Potassium Monitoring in Hemodialysis Patients Artículo de revista

En: Sensors, vol. 21, no 2710, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Mountris, K A; Pueyo, E

A dual adaptive explicit time integration algorithm for efficiently solving the cardiac monodomain equation Artículo de revista

En: Int J Numer Meth Biomed Engng, vol. e3461, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Taggart, P; Pueyo, E; Duijvenboden, S V.; Porter, B; Bishop, M; Sampedro-Puente, D A; Orini, M; Hanson, B; Rinaldi, C A; Gill, J S; Lambiase, P

Emerging evidence for a mechanistic link between low-frequency oscillation of ventricular repolarization measured from the electrocardiogram T-wave vector and arrhythmia Artículo de revista

En: Europace, vol. euab009, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Palmieri, F; Gomis, P; Ruiz, J E; Ferreira, D; Martín-Yebra, A; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Ramírez, J; Laguna, P

ECG-based Monitoring of Blood Potassium Concentration: Periodic versus Principal Componentas Lead Transformation for Biomarker Robustness Artículo de revista

En: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 68, no 102719, pp. 1-11, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Böck, C; Kovács, P; Laguna, P; Meier, J; Huemer, M

ECG Beat Representation and Delineation by means of Variable Projection Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng., vol. 68, no 10, pp. 2997-3008, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Plachouris, D; Mountris, K; Papadimitroulas, P; Spyridonidis, T; Katsanos, K; Apostolopoulos, D; Papathanasiou, N; Hazle, J; Visvikis, D; Kagadis, G

Clinical Evaluation of a Three-Dimensional Internal Dosimetry Technique for Liver Radioembolization with 90Y Microspheres Using Dose Voxel Kernels Artículo de revista

En: Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Luongo, G; Azzolin, L; Schuler, S; Rivolta, M; Almeida, T; Martínez, J P; Soriano, D; Luik, A; Jadidi, A; Dössel, O; Sassi, R; Laguna, P; Loewe, A

Machine learning enables non-invasive prediction of atrial fibrillation driver location and acute pulmonary vein ablation success using the 12-lead ECG Artículo de revista

En: Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, vol. 2, no 2, pp. 126-136, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Castillo, M González; Hernando, D; Orini, M; Laguna, P; Viik, J; Bailón, R; Pueyo, E

QT variability unrelated to RR variability during stress testing for identification of coronary artery disease Artículo de revista

En: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A., vol. 379: 20200261, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Milagro, J; Soto-Retes, L; Giner, J; Varon, C; Laguna, P; Bailón, R; Plaza, V; Gil, E

Asthmatic Subjects Stratification Using Autonomic Nervous System Information Artículo de revista

En: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 69, no 102802, pp. 1-8, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Celotto, C; Sanchez, C; Mountris, K A; Laguna, P; Pueyo, E

Location of Parasympathetic Innervation Regions from Electrograms to Guide Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Therapy: An In Silico Modeling Study Artículo de revista

En: Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 12, no 674197, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Barrio, R; Martínez, M A; Pueyo, E; Serrano, S

Dynamical analysis of early afterdepolarization patterns in a biophysically-detailed cardiac model Artículo de revista

En: Chaos, vol. 31, no 073137, pp. 1-20, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Bashar, S K; Hossain, M B; Lázaro, J; Ding, E Y; Noh, Y; Cho, C H; McManus, D D; Fitzgibbons, T P; Chon, K H

Feasibility of atrial fibrillation detection from a novel wearable armband device Artículo de revista

En: Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, vol. 2, no 3, pp. 179-191, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Ramos-Marquès, E; García-Mendívil, L; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Santander-Badules, H; Srinivasan, S; Oliveros, J C; Torres-Pérez, R; Cebollada, A; Vallejo-Gil, J M; Fresneda-Roldán, P C; Fañanás-Mastral, J; Vázquez-Sancho, M; Matamala-Adell, M; Sorribas-Berjón, J F; Bellido-Morales, J A; Mancebón-Sierra, F J; Vaca-Núñez, A S; Ballester-Cuenca, C; Jiménez-Navarro, M; Villaescusa, J M; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Segovia-Roldán, M; Oliván-Viguera, A; Gómez-González, C; Muñiz, G; Diez, E; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Chronological and biological aging of the human left ventricular myocardium: Analysis of microRNAs contribution Artículo de revista

En: Aging Cell, vol. 00:e13383, pp. 1-16, 2021.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Armañac, P; Hernando, D; Lázaro, J; Haro, C; Magrans, R; Morales, J; Moeyersons, J; Sarlabous, L; López-Aguilar, J; Subira, C; Fernandez, R; Orini, M; Laguna, P; Varon, C; Gil, E; Bailón, R; Blanch, L

Cardiopulmonary Coupling Indices to Assess Weaning Readiness from Mechanical Ventilation Artículo de revista

En: Scientific Reports, vol. 11:16014, 2021.

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Riccio, J; Alcaine, A; Rocher, S; Martínez-Mateu, L; Laranjo, S; Saiz, J; Laguna, P; Martínez, J P

Characterization of Atrial Propagation Patterns and Fibrotic Substrate With a Modified Omnipolar Electrogram Strategy in Multi-Electrode Arrays Artículo de revista

En: Front. Physiol., vol. 12:674223, 2021.

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Hernández-Vicente, A; Hernando, D; Vicente-Rodríguez, G; Bailón, R; Garatachea, N; Pueyo, E

ECG ventricular repolarization dynamics during exercise: temporal profile, relation to heart rate variability and effects of age and physical health Artículo de revista

En: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, no 9497, 2021.

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Palacios, S; Cygankiewicz, I; Luna, A Bayés; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P

Periodic Repolarization Dynamics as Predictor of Risk for Sudden Cardiac Death in Chronic Heart Failure Patients Artículo de revista

En: Scientific Reports, vol. 11:20546, 2021.

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Luft, M; Klepetko, J; Muceli, S; Ibáñez, J; Tereshenko, V; Festin, C; Laengle, G; Politikou, O; Maierhofer, U; Farina, D; Aszmann, O C; Bergmeister, K D

Proof of concept for multiple nerve transfers to a single target muscle Artículo de revista

En: Elife, vol. 10, pp. 1-16, 2021.

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Sokas, D; Paliakaite, B; Rapalis, A; Marozas, V; Bailón, R; Petrenas, A

Detection of Walk Tests in Free-Living Activities Using a Wrist-Worn Device Artículo de revista

En: Front. Physiol., vol. 12, no 706545, 2021.

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Espinosa, R; Bailón, R; Laguna, P.

Two-dimensional EspEn: A new approach to analyze image texture by irregularity Artículo de revista

En: Entropy, vol. 23, no 1261, 2021.

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Chatzipapas, K P; Plachouris, D; Papadimitroulas, P; Mountris, K A; Bert, J; Visvikis, D; Mihailidis, D; Kagadis, G C

Standardization and Validation of Brachytherapy Seeds. Modelling Using GATE and GGEMS Monte Carlo Toolkits Artículo de revista

En: Cancers, vol. 13, pp. 5315, 2021.

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Navarra‐Ventura, G; Gomà, G; Haro, C; Jodar, M; Sarlabous, L; Hernando, D; Bailón, R; Ochagavía, A; Blanch, L; López‐Aguilar, J; Fernández-Gonzalo, S

Virtual Reality‐Based Early Neurocognitive Stimulation in Critically Ill Patients: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial Artículo de revista

En: Journal of Personalized Medicine, vol. 11, pp. 1260, 2021.

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Lazazzera, R; Laguna, P; Gil, E; Carrault, G

Proposal for a Home Sleep Monitoring Platform employing a Smart Glove Artículo de revista

En: Sensors, vol. 21, pp. 7976, 2021.

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Bukhari, H A; Palmieri, F; Ramirez, J; Laguna, P; Ruiz, J E; Ferreira, D; Potse, M; Sánchez, C; Pueyo, E

Characterization of T Wave Amplitude, Duration and Morphology Changes During Hemodialysis: Relationship with Serum Electrolyte Levels and Heart Rate Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, vol. 68, no 8, pp. 2467-2478, 2021.

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Palmieri, F; Gomis, P; Ferreira, D; Ruiz, J E; Bergasa, B; Martín-Yebra, A; Bukhari, H A; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Ramírez, J; Laguna, P

Monitoring Blood Potassium Concentration in Hemodialysis Patients by Quantifying T-wave Morphology Dynamics Artículo de revista

En: Scientific reports, vol. 11, no 3883, 2021.

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Jimenez‑Perez, G; Alcaine, A; Camara, O

Delineation of the electrocardiogram with a mixed‑quality‑annotations dataset using convolutional neural networks Artículo de revista

En: Scientifc Reports, vol. 11, no 863, 2021.

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García-Mendívil, L; Mediano, D; Hernaiz, A; Sanz, D; Vázquez, F; Marín, B; López, O; Otero, A; Badiola, J; Zaragoza, P; Ordovás, L; Bolea, R; Martín, I

Effect of Scrapie Prion Infection in Ovine Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Ovine Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Neurons Artículo de revista

En: Animals, vol. 11, no 1137, 2021.

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Pueyo, E

Modelización matemática y simulación computacional de la variabilidad espacio-temporal en la actividad eléctrica cardíaca Artículo de revista

En: Rev. Real Academia de Ciencias, vol. 76, pp. 7-54, 2021, ISSN: 0370-3207.

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Palacios, S; Cygankiewicz, I; Bayés-de-Luna, A; Martínez, J P; Pueyo, E

Estudio de la dinámica periódica de la repolarización para la predicción de muerte súbita en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca crónica Conferencia

I Congreso Anual de Estudiantes de Doctorado (CAED), Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Elche 2021.

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Gómez, M; Carro, J; Pueyo, E; Monasterio, V

Modificación de un modelo de miocito ventricular humano para representar el papel de los canales SK en insuficiencia cardiaca Conferencia

XXXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB, Madrid, España, 2021.

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