PHD Student

Call: +34 976 762704


Address: C/ María de Luna 1, Edificio Ada Byron, Lab. 3.07-50018 Zaragoza (Spain)


Cristina Pérez was born in Murcia, Spain, in 1995. She received the B.Sc. degree in Electronics and Automation Engineering in 2017 from the University of Cartagena (Murcia, Spain). In 2019, she obtained the M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Zaragoza and she joined the BSiCoS group too.

She is currently working in her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering aimed at electrocardiogram signal processing techniques with the purpose of detecting non-invasive biomarkers related to arrhytmic risk identification.



PhD Theses

Pérez, C

Quantification of QT Interval Adaptation Time to Gradual Changes in Heart Rate and its Use for Cardiac Risk Stratification PhD Thesis


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Journal Articles

Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Viik, J; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Performance Evaluation of QT-RR Adaptation Time Lag Estimation in Exercise Stress Testing Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 71, no. 11, 2024.

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Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

QT-RR Adaptation Time Lag Estimation and its Dependence on Heart Rate Trend Frequency Content in Exercise Stress Testing Conference

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Journal Articles

Pérez, C; Cebollada, R; Mountris, K A; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P; Pueyo, E

The Role of β-adrenergic Stimulation in QT Interval Adaptation to Heart Rate During Stress Test Journal Article

In: Plos One, 2023.

Links | BibTeX

Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Viik, J; Laguna, P

QT Interval Time Lag in Response to Heart Rate Changes During Stress Test for Coronary Artery Disease Diagnosis Journal Article

In: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 86, no. 105056, 2023.

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Bachi, L; Halvaei, H; Pérez, C; Martín-Yebra, A; Petrenas, A; Solosenko, A; Johnson, L; Marozas, V; Martínez, J P; Pueyo, E; Stridh, M; Laguna, P; Sörnmo, L

ECG Modeling for Simulation of Arrhythmias in Time-Varying Conditions Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng., vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 3449 – 3460, 2023.

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Romagnoli, S; Pérez, C; Burattini, L; Pueyo, E; Morettini, M; Sbrollini, A; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Model-based Estimators of QT Series Time Delay in Following Heart-Rate Changes Conference

45nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Sydney, Australia, 2023.

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Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Evaluation of a QT Adaptation Time Estimator for ECG Exercise Stress Test in Controlled Simulation Conference

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

Links | BibTeX

Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Estimadores del retardo entre las series de QT y RR en registros ECG de prueba de esfuerzo: evaluación en simulación Conference

VLI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB, Cartagena, España, 2023.

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Pérez-Martínez, C; Martín-Yebra, A; Viik, J; Martínez, J P; Pueyo, E; Laguna, P

Spatial ECG filtering by Periodic component analysis for improved QT delineation in stress test recordings Conference

55th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2021.

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Pérez-Martínez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Characterization of impaired repolarization by quantification of the QT delay in response to heart rate changes from stress test recordings Conference

International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology -ISCE-2020, 2021.


Pérez-Martínez, C

Characterization of impaired ventricular repolarization by quantification of QT delay after heart rate changes in stress test Conference

17 Staff/Malt Conference, Sirolo, Italy, 2021.


Cebollada, R; Pérez-Martínez, C; Mountris, K; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P; Pueyo, E

Mechanisms Underlying QT Interval Adaptation Behind Heart Rate During Stress Test Conference

Proceedings of the XLVII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Brno, Czech Republic, 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Pérez-Martínez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Mejora de la delineación del intervalo QT en señales ECG grabadas durante prueba de esfuerzo Conference

X Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores I3A. Comunicación oral, 2021.

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Pérez-Martínez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Characterization of impaired repolarization by quantification of the QT delay in response to heart rate changes from stress test recordings Conference

11th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2020.

Links | BibTeX

Pérez-Martínez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Viik, J; Laguna, P

Characterization of Impaired Ventricular Repolarization by Quantification of QT Delayed Response to Heart Rate Changes in Stress Test Conference

Proceedings of the XLVII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Rimini, Italy, 2020.

Links | BibTeX

Pérez-Martínez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Viik, J; Laguna, P

Retardo entre QT y RR en registros de prueba de esfuerzo como indicador de la heterogeneidad de la repolarización ventricular Conference

XXXVIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB, Valladolid, España, 2020.

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Pérez-Martínez, C; Peláez-Coca, M; Hernando, A; Gil, E; Sánchez, C

Multivariable Relationships between Autonomic Nervous System Related Indices in Hyperbaric Environments Conference

41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Berlin, Germany, 2019.

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