Faculty Member

Call: +34 876 55 55 60

Email: jpmart@unizar.es

Address: María de Luna 1, Edificio Ada Byron, Despacho 2.05- 50018 Zaragoza (Spain) (Spain)


Juan Pablo Martínez Cortés was born in Zaragoza, Aragón, in 1976. He received the M.Sc. degree in Telecommunication Engineering in 1999, and the PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2005, both at the University of Zaragoza.

Since 2000, he has been a lecturer and researcher in the Department of Electronic Engineering and Communications, and the Aragon Institute of Engineering Research (I3A) of the University of Zaragoza.  He is currently an Associate Professor (Profesor Titular de Universidad). From 2010 to 2014, he has been the Coordinator of the M.Sc. Program on Biomedical Engineering.

His research activities are focused on Statistical Signal Processing methods to obtain clinical information and risk indices from invasive and non-invasive cardiovascular signals.

241 entries « 1 of 9 »


Journal Articles

Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Viik, J; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Performance Evaluation of QT-RR Adaptation Time Lag Estimation in Exercise Stress Testing Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 71, no. 11, 2024.

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Romagnoli, S; Sbrollini, A; Burattini, L; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Characterization of QT-interval adaptation time lag in response to sport-induced heart rate changes measured from wearable ECG recording Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2024.

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Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

QT-RR Adaptation Time Lag Estimation and its Dependence on Heart Rate Trend Frequency Content in Exercise Stress Testing Conference

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Gómez, N; Ramírez, J; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Evaluation of T-wave Time-Warping Dynamics in Patients with Long QT Syndrome Conference

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Palacios, S; Sales, C; Melero, J; Cabrera, M; Ramos, J; Mincholé, A; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P

Changes in Ventricular Repolarization After Right Ventricular and Left Bundle Branch Pacing Conference

13th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2024.

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Gómez, N; Ramírez, J; Roquero, A I; Palmieri, F; Arbelo, E; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Evaluación de los cambios en la morfología del pico al fin de la onda T, cuantificados mediante “time-warping”, en pacientes con síndrome de Brugada Conference

Proceedings CASEIB 2024, Sevilla, Spain, 2024.

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Romagnoli, S; Sbrollini, A; Burattini, L; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Estimación del retardo del intervalo QT ante cambios en la frecuencia cardíaca inducidos por actividades deportivas Conference

Proceedings CASEIB 2024, 2024.

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Chaparro-Victoria, D; de Santamaría, A Campos-Saenz; Crespo-Aznarez, S; Esterellas-Sánchez, L; Garcés-Horna, V; Sánchez-Marteles, M; Martínez, J P; Monasterio, V; Rubio-Gracia, J; Alcaine, A

Segmentación automática de la vena cava inferior en imágenes ecográficas en modo M Conference

Proceedings CASEIB 2024, 2024.

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Artal, S; Martínez, J P; Miguel, A; Ramírez, J

Improved Detection of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Using an ECG-based Semisupervised Model Conference

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Chaparro-Victoria, D; Campos, A; Aznarez, S Crespo; Esterellas, L Karla; Horna, V Garces; Sanchez-Marteles, M; Martínez, J P; Monasterio, V; Rubio-Gracia, J; Alcaine, A

Automatic Segmentation of the Inferior Vena Cava from M-mode Ultrasound Images Conference

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Martín-Yebra, A; Bayés-de-Luna, A; Vazquez, R; Caminal, P; Laguna, P; Martínez, J P

The MUSIC Database: Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure Patients Conference

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Gómez-Fonseca, N; Ramírez, J; Tsvetkova, A S; Platonov, P; Azarov, J; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Dynamics of T-peak-to-T-end Morphology Changes in an Open-chest Porcine Model, and Its Relation to Arrhythmic Events Conference

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Journal Articles

Pérez, C; Cebollada, R; Mountris, K A; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P; Pueyo, E

The Role of β-adrenergic Stimulation in QT Interval Adaptation to Heart Rate During Stress Test Journal Article

In: Plos One, 2023.

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Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Viik, J; Laguna, P

QT Interval Time Lag in Response to Heart Rate Changes During Stress Test for Coronary Artery Disease Diagnosis Journal Article

In: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 86, no. 105056, 2023.

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Bachi, L; Halvaei, H; Pérez, C; Martín-Yebra, A; Petrenas, A; Solosenko, A; Johnson, L; Marozas, V; Martínez, J P; Pueyo, E; Stridh, M; Laguna, P; Sörnmo, L

ECG Modeling for Simulation of Arrhythmias in Time-Varying Conditions Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng., vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 3449 – 3460, 2023.

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Gómez-Fonseca, N; Ramírez, J; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Time-Warping Analysis of the T-Wave Peak-to-End Interval to Quantify Ventricular Repolarization Dispersion During Ischemia Journal Article

In: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 5314-5325, 2023.

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Gómez-Fonseca, N; Ramírez, J; Martín-Yebra, A; Platonov, P; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Los cambios en la morfología del intervalo Tpico-Tfin medidos mediante time-warping se asocian con la fibrilación ventricular inducida por la isquemia en un modelo porcino Conference

XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A. Zaragoza, España "Vol. 11 (2023): Actas de la XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A, 2023.

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Romagnoli, S; Pérez, C; Burattini, L; Pueyo, E; Morettini, M; Sbrollini, A; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Model-based Estimators of QT Series Time Delay in Following Heart-Rate Changes Conference

45nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Sydney, Australia, 2023.

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Martín-Yebra, A; Molinos, J; Martínez, J P

Assessment of QT Interval Dynamics Induced by Heart Rate Changes through Bivariate Phase-Rectified Signal Averaging Conference

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

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Ramírez, J; Miguel, A; Duijvenboden, S; Orini, M; Young, W; Tinker, A; Lambiase, P; Munroe, P; Martínez, J P

A Multi-layer CNN Using the ECG, Age and Sex Predicts Ventricular Arrhythmias in the General Population Conference

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

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Gómez-Fonseca, N; Ramírez, J; Martín-Yebra, A; Demidova, M M; Platonov, P; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Changes in T-peak-to-T-end Morphology Measured by Time-Warping Are Associated with Ischemia-Induced Ventricular Fibrillation in a Porcine Model Conference

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

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Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Evaluation of a QT Adaptation Time Estimator for ECG Exercise Stress Test in Controlled Simulation Conference

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

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Palacios, S; Smisek, R; Curila, K; Nguyen, U C; Prinzen, F; Halamek, J; Plesinger, F; Jurak, P; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P

Spatial Dispersion of Activation and Repolarization Times Associated with Different Cardiac Pacing Modes Conference

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

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Palacios, S; Smisek, R; Curila, K; Nguyen, U; Prinzen, F W; Halamek, J; Plesinger, F; Jurak, P; Martínez, J P; Pueyo, E

Dispersión espacial de los tiempos de activación y repolarización asociada a diferentes modos de estimulación cardiaca Conference

VLI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB, Cartagena, España, 2023.

Links | BibTeX

Pérez, C; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Estimadores del retardo entre las series de QT y RR en registros ECG de prueba de esfuerzo: evaluación en simulación Conference

VLI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB, Cartagena, España, 2023.

Links | BibTeX

Gómez, N; Ramírez, J; Martín-Yebra, A; Demidova, M M; Platonov, P; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Los cambios en la morfología del pico al fin de la onda T, cuantificados mediante “time-warping”, están asociados con la aparición de fibrilación ventricular en un modelo porcino de isquemia aguda Conference

VLI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB, Cartagena, España, 2023.

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Journal Articles

Groot, N M S; Shah, D; Boyle, P M; Anter, E; Clifford, G D; Deisenhofer, I; Deneke, T; Dessel, P; Doessel, O; Dilaveris, P; Heinzel, F R; Kapa, S; Lambiase, P D; Lumens, J; Platonov, P G; Ngarmukos, T; Martínez, J P; Sanchez, A Olaya; Takahashi, Y; Valdigem, B P; Veen, A-J; Vernooy, K; Casado-Arroyo, R

Critical appraisal of technologies to assess electrical activity during atrial fibrillation: a position paper from the European Heart Rhythm Association and European Society of Cardiology Working Group on eCardiology in collaboration with the Heart Rhythm Society, Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society, Latin American Heart Rhythm Society and Computing in Cardiology Journal Article

In: EP Europace, vol. euab254, 2022.

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Berenfeld, O; Corino, V D A; Loewe, A; Martínez, J P; Rodríguez, J F

Editorial: Atrial Fibrillation: Technology for Diagnosis, Monitoring, and Treatment Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 13, no. 848096, pp. 1-4, 2022.

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Palmieri, F; Gomis, P; Ferreira, D; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P; Ramírez, J

Weighted Time Warping Improves T-wave Morphology Markers Clinical Significance Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 2022.

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Matas, J F R; Berenfeld, O; Loewe, A; Corino, V; Martínez, J P

Atrial Fibrillation: Technology for Diagnosis, Monitoring, and Treatment Journal Article

In: Lausanne: Frontiers Media S, 2022.

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241 entries « 1 of 9 »