Faculty Member

I3A: +34 876 55 51 56
SAI: +34 876 55 43 32

Email: lordovas@unizar.es

I3A: Universidad de Zaragoza – Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón (I3A). C/ Poeta Mariano Esquillor, s/n, Edif. I+D, Pl 1ª, Lab 5.1.01. 50018 Zaragoza
SAI: Calle de Pedro Cerbuna 12, Planta 2 – 50009 Zaragoza (Spain) (Spain)


Laura Ordovás was born in Zaragoza, Spain, in 1979. She received her M.Sc degree in Biochemistry in 2002 and the PhD degree in Genetics and Development in December 2006, both at the University of Zaragoza.

After a two-year post-doc in her PhD lab, in January 2009 and till mid-2014, she joined the Stem Cell Institute of the Katholiek Universiteit Leuven (KUL) for a post-doctoral period under the supervision of Prof. Verfiallie. She specialized in human pluripotent stem cell research and genome engineering using directed nucleases (ZFNs, TALENs and later CRISPR-Cas9). She worked in the creation of tools for lineage tracing during directed differentiation towards specific lineages and in in vitro modelling of human disease, among others.

In 2015, she joined BSICoS at the Aragon Institute of Engineering Research (I3A) of the University of Zaragoza as Senior Research Associate in the project MODELAGE lead by Esther Pueyo. In 2016 she was awarded an ARAID researcher position and since 2017, she is a faculty research member of the BSICoS group.

Her current research activities comprise the understanding of human cardiac aging and other cardiac conditions from in vitro modelling using iPSC and genome engineering and the integration of the experimental data in computational biology.

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Journal Articles

Postigo, A; Hernández-Bellido, N; Sánchez-Barat, M; García-Mendívil, L; Pueyo, E; del Barrio, J; Hernández-Ainsa, S; Ordovás, L

DNA-Based Nanocarriers to Sequester Altered microRNAs in Cardiac Dysfunction Journal Article

In: Adv. Therap., no. 2400247, 2024.

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Bueno, J M; Martínez-Ojeda, R M; Pérez-Zabalza, M; García-Mendívil, L; Asensio, M C; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Analysis of age-related changes in the left ventricular myocardium with multiphoton microscopy Journal Article

In: Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 15, iss. 5, pp. 3251-3264, 2024.

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Paz-Artigas, I; Gómez-Moreno, C; García-Mendivil, L; Sánchez-Barat, M; Ordovás, L; Ciriza, J

Functional endothelial barrier recreation in a heart-on-chip platform for cardio-directed therapies testing Conference

EUROOCS, Milan (Italy), 2024.


Paz-Artigas, I; Gómez-Moreno, C; García-Mendivil, L; Sánchez-Barat, M; Ordovás, L; Ciriza, J

Functional endothelial barrier recreation in a heart-on-chip platform for cardio-directed therapies testing Conference

IEUROOCS, Milan, Italy, 2024.



Journal Articles

García-Mendívil, L; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Oliver-Gelabert, A; Vallejo-Gil, J M; Fañanás-Mastral, J; Vázquez-Sancho, M; André-Bellido, J A; Vaca-Núñez, A S; Ballester-Cuenca, C; Diez, E R; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Interindividual age-independent differences in human CX43 impact ventricular arrhythmic risk Journal Article

In: Research, vol. 6, iss. 0254, 2023.

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García-Mendívil, L; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Duwé, S; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Automatic quantification of myocardial remodeling features in human ventricular tissue from label-free microscopy Journal Article

In: Star Protocols, vol. 4, no. 102730, 2023.

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Garrido-Huéscar, E; Vandeweyer, L; García-Mendivil, L; Hernández-Bellido, N; Pueyo, E; de Vos, W H; Ordovás, L

Cardiomiocitos derivados de células pluripotentes inducidas (hiPSC-CM) con progerina inducible para estudiar envejecimiento cardiaco Conference

XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A. Zaragoza, España "Vol. 11 (2023): Actas de la XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A, 2023.

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Hernández-Bellido, N; Ramos-Marquès, E; Hernández-Vicente, A; García-Mendivil, L; Santander-Badules, H; Mercanti, G; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Garatachea, N; Köhler, R; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L

microRNAs en envejecimiento cardiaco humano: dianas terapéuticas y biomarcadores Conference

XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A. Zaragoza, España "Vol. 11 (2023): Actas de la XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A, 2023.

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García-Mendívil, L; Pérez, M; Rosales, R; Vallejo-Gil, J M; Fañanás-Mastral, J; Vázquez-Sancho, M; Bellido‑Morales, J A; Vaca‑Núñez, A S; Ballester-Cuenca, C; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Physiological Variations in CX43 and Fibrosis Deposition Affect Human Ventricular Electrophysiology Promoting Arrhythmia Conference

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

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Bueno, J M; Martínez-Ojeda, R M; Asensio, M C; García-Mendívil, L; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Age-related Changes in Tissue Structure of the Heart Left Ventricle Assessed with Multiphoton Microscopy Conference

Optica Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences, Vancouver (Canada), 2023.


Hernández-Bellido, N; Ramos-Marquès, E; Hernández-Vicente, A; García-Mendívil, L; Santanter-Badules, H; Mercanti, G; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Garatachea, N; Kohler, R; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L

microRNAs in human cardiac aging: therapeutic targets and biomarkers Conference

I Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado Iberus Connect (CEDIC), Zaragoza (Spain), 2023.


Vandeweyer, L; Molenbergh, F; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Loeys, B; Ordovás, L; Vos, W H De

Lamin-mediated chromatin condensation in dilated cardiomyopathy Conference

4th International Meeting on Laminopathies, Madrid (Spain), 2023.


Garrido-Huéscar, E; Vandeweyer, L; García-Mendívil, L; Hernández-Bellido, N; Pueyo, E; Vos, W H De; Ordovás, L

A progerin-inducible human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell line to study cardiac cell aging Conference

4th International Meeting on Laminopathies, Madrid (Spain), 2023.


González-Lana, S; Oliván-Viguera, A; Rosales, R M; Remacha, A R; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E; Monge, R; Sánchez-Somolinos, C; Ciriza, J; Ochoa, I

Structural and functional impact of co-culturing iPSC-CM and HCAEC within microfluidic devices exposed to mechanical and electrical stimuli Conference

European organ-on-chip society Annual Meeting, Berlin (Alemania), 2023.


Hernández-Bellido, N; Postigo, A; Orrite, C; Garrido-Huéscar, E; García-Mendívil, L; Pueyo, E; Hernández-Ainsa, S; Ordovás, L

Non-viral delivery of microRNA therapies for cardiac dysfunction using DNA nanostructures Conference

12º Congreso bianual de la Sociedad Española de Terapia Génica y Celular (SETGyC), Pamplona (Sapin), 2023.


Sánchez-Barat, M; Hernández-Bellido, N; Postigo, A; Ordovás, L; Hernández-Ainsa, S

Towards post-ischemic cardiac regeneration with microRNA therapy and customized DNA-based nanostructures Conference

12º Congreso bianual de la Sociedad Española de Terapia Génica y Celular (SETGyC), Pamplona (Sapin), 2023.


Hernández-Ainsa, S; Postigo, A; Hernández-Bellido, N; Sánchez-Barat, M; Sarasa, L; Ordovás, L; del Barrio, J

Tailoring DNA-based nanostructures for the delivery of therapeutic agents Conference

XXXIX Reunión Bienal de Química, Zaragoza (Spain), 2023.


Sánchez-Barat, M; Hernández-Bellido, N; Postigo, A; Ordovás, L; Hernández-Ainsa, S

Development of customised DNA-based nanostructures to treat heart disease by gene therapy Conference

XXXIX Reunión Bienal de Química, Zaragoza (Spain), 2023.


Garrido-Huéscar, E; Verschuuren, M; Vandeweyer, L; Santander-Badules, H; Pueyo, E; Vos, W H De; Ordovás, L

High-content phenotypic profiling to advance the maturation state of human induced pluripotent stem cells derived cardiomyocytes Conference

Cellular Biology of the Heart & Myocardial Function (CBFH) Biennial meeting 2023, Naples (Italy), 2023.


Postigo, A; Hernández-Bellido, N; Sánchez-Barat, M; Orrite, C; Garrido-Huéscar, E; García-Mendívil, L; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L; Hernández-Ainsa, S

Design of DNA-based nanocarriers for the delivery of microRNA therapies against cardiac dysfunction Conference

Cellular Biology of the Heart & Myocardial Function (CBFH) Biennial meeting 2023, Naples (Italy), 2023.


García-Mendívil, L; Hernández-Bellido, N; Sánchez-Barat, M; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Vallejo-Gil, J M; Matamala-Adell, M; Sorribas-Berjón, J F; Bellido‑Morales, J A; Vaca‑Núñez, A S; Ballester-Cuenca, C; Verfaillie, C M; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L

Progerin is an unlikely contributor to natural cardiac aging, but promotes age-related phenotypes in vitro Conference

Cellular Biology of the Heart & Myocardial Function (CBFH) Biennial meeting 2023, Naples (Italy), 2023.


Sánchez-Barat, M; Hernández-Bellido, N; Postigo, A; Hernández-Ainsa, S; Ordovás, L

Exploiting the therapeutic potential of microRNAs and DNA nanotechnology to create novel cardioregenerative treatments Conference

Cellular Biology of the Heart & Myocardial Function (CBFH) Biennial meeting 2023, Naples (Italy), 2023.


Hernández-Bellido, N; Ramos-Marquès, E; Hernández-Vicente, A; García-Mendívil, L; Santander-Badules, H; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Sánchez-Barat, M; Garatachea, N; Kohler, R; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L

Identification of biological age indicators as potential predictors of physical and cardiac-related conditions Conference

Cellular Biology of the Heart & Myocardial Function (CBFH) Biennial meeting 2023, Naples (Italy), 2023.


Vandeweyer, L; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Akdeniz, D; Loeys, B; Ordovás, L; Vos, W H De

Nuclear envelope stress in cardiac laminopathy patient derived Conference

Joint Meeting of the BeSSCR & RBSCDB on cell plasticity, Brussels (Belgium), 2023.



Journal Articles

García-Mendívil, L; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Mountris, K; Duwé, S; Smisdom, N; Pérez, M; Luján, L; Wolfs, E; Driesen, R B; Vallejo-Gil, J M; Fresneda-Roldán, P C; Fañanás-Mastral, J; Vázquez-Sancho, M; Matamala-Adell, M; Sorribas-Berjón, J F; Bellido-Morales, J A; Mancebón-Sierra, F J; Vaca-Núñez, A S; Ballester-Cuenca, C; Oliván-Viguera, A; Diez, E; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Analysis of age-related left ventricular collagen remodeling in living donors: implications in arrhythmogenesis Journal Article

In: iScience, 2022.

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García-Mendívil, L; Hernández-Bellido, N; Sánchez-Barat, M; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Garrido-Huéscar, E; Oliveros, J C; Torres-Pérez, R; Ramos-Marqués, E; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L

Envejecimiento cardíaco humano: transcriptómica y desarrollo de modelos celulares Conference

II Congreso Anual de Estudiantes de Doctorado (CAED), Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche, 2022.


García-Mendívil, L; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Mountris, K M; Mancebón-Sierra, F J; Vaca-Núñez, A S; Duwé, S; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Caracterización del remodelado del colágeno asociado a la edad en el ventrículo izquierdo humano de donantes vivos y sus implicaciones en la generación de arritmias Conference

XI Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, 2022.

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Garrido-Huéscar, E; García-Mendivil, L; Hernández-Bellido, N; Sánchez-Barat, M; Pérez-Zabalza, M; Pueyo, E; Ordovás, L

Development of new human models to determine age related cardiotoxicity of drugs Conference

Stem cells and stem cell models in disease & health (SCMiDH), Hasselt, Belgium, 2022.

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Garrido-Huéscar, E; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Development of new computational models to evaluate age-related drugs cardiotoxicity Conference

XI Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón (I3A), Zaragoza, Spain, 2022.

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Garrido-Huéscar, E; Ordovás, L; Pueyo, E

Development of new human models to determine age-related cardiotoxicity of drugs Conference

I ipIBA Day, Zaragoza, Spain, 2022.


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