PHD Student

Call: +34 876 555156


Address: Edificio I+D+i Lab. 6.1.01 C/ Mariano Esquillor s/n 50018 (Spain)


Neurys Gómez Fonseca was born in Cuba, in 1989. He received the Bachelor degree in Telecommunication and Electronic Engineering in 2013 and the Master degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2018, both at University of Oriente, Santiago de Cuba. He joined the Biomedical Signal Interpretation and Computational Simulation (BSICoS) group in 2021, where he is currently working on cardiac arrhythmias and sleep apneas classification based on cyclostationarity.




Gómez-Fonseca, N; Ramírez, J; Tsvetkova, A S; Platonov, P; Azarov, J; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Dynamics of T-peak-to-T-end Morphology Changes in an Open-chest Porcine Model, and Its Relation to Arrhythmic Events Conference

Proceedings of the LI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024.

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Journal Articles

Gómez-Fonseca, N; Ramírez, J; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Time-Warping Analysis of the T-Wave Peak-to-End Interval to Quantify Ventricular Repolarization Dispersion During Ischemia Journal Article

In: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 5314-5325, 2023.

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Gómez-Fonseca, N; Ramírez, J; Martín-Yebra, A; Platonov, P; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Los cambios en la morfología del intervalo Tpico-Tfin medidos mediante time-warping se asocian con la fibrilación ventricular inducida por la isquemia en un modelo porcino Conference

XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A. Zaragoza, España "Vol. 11 (2023): Actas de la XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras del I3A, 2023.

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Gómez-Fonseca, N; Ramírez, J; Martín-Yebra, A; Demidova, M M; Platonov, P; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Changes in T-peak-to-T-end Morphology Measured by Time-Warping Are Associated with Ischemia-Induced Ventricular Fibrillation in a Porcine Model Conference

Proceedings of the XLIX International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Atlanta, USA, 2023.

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Gómez-Fonseca, N; Ramírez, J; Laguna, P; Martínez, J P

Time-warping based end-of-T-wave shape marker reflects repolarization changes during ischemia Conference

Proceedings of the XLVIII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Tampere, Finland, 2022.
