1050 entries « 4 of 4 »


Journal Articles

García, J; Astrom, M; Mendive, J; Laguna, P; Sörnmo, L

ECG-based detection of body position changes in ischemia monitoring Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 677-685, 2003.

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Aström, M; García, J; Laguna, P; Pahlm, O; Sörnmo, L

Detection of body position changes using the surface Electrocardiogram Journal Article

In: Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 164-171, 2003.

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Mateo, J; Laguna, P

Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in the Presence of Ectopic Beats Using the Heart Timing Signal Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 334-343, 2003.

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Pueyo, E; Smetana, P; Laguna, P; Malik, M

Estimation of the QT/RR hysteresis lag Journal Article

In: Journal of Electrocardiology, Supplement, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 187-190, 2003.

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Smetana, P; Pueyo, E; Hnatkova, K; Batchvarov, V; Camm, A J; Malik, M

Effect of amiodarone on the descending limb of the T wave Journal Article

In: American Journal of Cardiology, vol. 92, pp. 742-746, 2003.

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Bailón, R; Olmos, S; Horácek, M; Laguna, P

Identification of Patients at Risk for Ventricular Tachycardia by Means of Body Surface Potential Maps Conference

XXX International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Tesalonica, 2003.

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Arini, P D; Bertrán, G C; Valverde, E R; Biagetti, M O; Quinteiro, R A; Laguna, P

Análisis de la morfología de la onda T durante incrementos en la dispersión de la repolarización ventricular Conference

XXI Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, Merida, 2003.

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Bailón, R; Habas, D; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Estimación robusta de la frecuencia respiratoria a partir del ecg registrado durante prueba de esfuerzo Conference

XXI Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, Merida, 2003.

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Martínez, J P; Olmos, S

Detection of T wave alternans in non-stationary noise: A GLRT Approach Conference

XXX International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Tesalonica, 2003.

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Canales, M; Mateo, J; Bailón, R; Serrano, P; Laguna, P

Coherence between Heart Rate and Dominant Frequency of the Time-Frequency Heart Rate Variability Spectrum as Ischemic Marker in the Exercise Test Conference

XXX International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Tesalonica, 2003.

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Almeida, R; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Rocha, A P; Laguna, P; Olmos, S

Quantification of short term QT variability versus heeart rate variability Conference

7th Portuguese Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BioEng’2003), Lisboa, 2003.

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Pueyo, E; Smetana, P; Malik, M; Laguna, P

Evaluation of QT Interval Response to Marked RR Interval Changes Selected Automatically in Ambulatory Recordings Conference

XXX International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Tesalonica, 2003.

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Almeida, R; Pueyo, E; Martínez, J P; Rocha, A P; Olmos, S; Laguna, P

A Parametric Model Approach for Quantification of Short Term QT Variability Uncorrelated with Heart Rate Variability Conference

XXX International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Tesalonica, 2003.

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Bailón, R; Habas, D; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Robust Estimation of Respiratory Frequency from Exercise ECG Recordings Conference

XXX International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Tesalonica, 2003.

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Bailón, R; Mateo, J; Olmos, S; Serrano, P; García, J; Río, A; Ferreira, I J; Laguna, P

Computer-aided diagnosis of coronary artery disease by means of Stress ECG Conference

First international congress on computational bioengineering, Zaragoza, 2003.

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Bailón, R; Olmos, S; Horacek, M; Laguna, P

The use of body surface potential mapping in the identification of risk for ventricular tachycardia Conference

In Lectures Notes of the ICB Seminars, International Centre of Biocybernetics, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland, 2003.

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Almeida, R; Martínez, J P; Olmos, S; Rocha, A P; Laguna, P

Automatic delineation of Tand P waves using a wavelet-based Multiscale approach Conference

First international congress on computational bioengineering, Zaragoza, 2003.

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Journal Articles

Olmos, S; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Block adaptive filters with deterministic reference inputs for event related signals: BLMS and BRLS Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. on Signal Proc., vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 1102-1112, 2002.

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García, J; Martínez, I; Sörnmo, L; Olmos, S; Mur, A; Laguna, P

Remote Processing Server for ECG-Based Clinical Diagnosis Support Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. on Information Technology, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 277-284, 2002.

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Laguna, P

Synopsis on signal processing papers of the yearbook on medical informatics Journal Article

In: Guess editor and invited synopsis, Yearbook of Medical Informatics 02, IMIA, pp. 427-430, 2002.

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Pueyo, E; García, J; Wagner, G; Bailón, R; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Time course of ECG depolarization and repolarization changes during ischemia in PTCA recordings Conference

4th Biosignal interpretation international workshop, IEEE Computer Society, Como, 2002.

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Martínez, J P; Olmos, S; Laguna, P

Alternancias de onda T e isquemia aguda en pacientes sometidos a angioplastía coronaria Conference

XX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, Zaragoza, 2002.

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Alesanco, A; Gallego, J R; Canales, M; Valdovinos, A; Laguna, P; García, J

Análisis de los errores producidos durante la transmisión de ECGs por un canal UMTS Conference

XX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB’02), Zaragoza, 2002.

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Martínez, J P; Olmos, S

Detección robusta de alternancias de onda T basada en el GLRT para ruido laplaciano Conference

XX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB’02), Zaragoza, 2002.

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Olmos, S; Martínez, J P; Sörnmo, L

Detectores mediante subespacios para señales multicanal Conference

XX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB’02), Zaragoza, 2002.

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Pueyo, E; Smetana, P; Knatkoval, H; Malik, M; Laguna, P

Tiempo de adaptación del QT a cambios en el RR, relación con el riesgo de muerte arrítmica Conference

XX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB’02), Zaragoza, 2002.

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Bailón, R; Olmos, S; Serrano, P; García, J; Laguna, P

Obtención robusta de la histeresis del ST/HR en registros ECG de prueba de esfuerzo Conference

XX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB’02), Zaragoza, 2002.

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Canales, M; Mateo, J; Bailón, R; Serrano, P; Laguna, P

Valor clínico de la variabilidad del ritmo cardiaco como marcador de isquemia en la prueba de esfuerzo Conference

XX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB’02), Zaragoza, 2002.

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Ferrero, J M; Vera, P; Roa, L; Pozo, F; Caminal, P; Laguna, P; Gomez, E

Título de Ingenieria Biomedica Conference

XX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB’02), Zaragoza, 2002.

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Martínez, J P; Olmos, S; Laguna, P

T Wave Alternans and Acute Ischemia in Patients Undergoing Angioplasty Conference

XXIX International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Memphis, 2002.

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Martínez, J P; Olmos, S

A robust T-wave alternans detector based on the GLRT for Laplacian noise distribution Conference

XXIX International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Memphis, 2002.

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Olmos, S; Martínez, J P; Sörnmo, L

Spatio-temporal linear expansions for repolarization analysis Conference

XXIX International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Memphis, 2002.

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Pueyo, E; Smetana, P; Hnatkoval, K; Laguna, P; Malik, M

Time for QT Adaptation to RR Changes and Relation to Arrhythmic Mortality Reduction in Amiodarone-treated Patients Conference

XXIX International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Memphis, 2002.

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Bailón, R; Olmos, S; Serrano, P; García, J; Laguna, P

Robust Measure of ST/HR Hysteresis in Stress Test ECG Recordings Conference

XXIX International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Memphis, 2002.

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Olmos, S; Martínez, J P; Sörnmo, L

Subspace Detectors for Multichannel Signals Conference

XI European Signal Processing Conference, Toulouse, 2002.

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Journal Articles

García, J; Wagner, G; Sörnmo, L; Lander, P; Laguna, P

Identification of the occluded artery in patients with myocardial ischemia induced by prolonged ptca using traditional vs. transformed ECG-based indexes Journal Article

In: Selected paper from Computers and Biomedical Research, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 470-482, 2001.

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Sörnmo, L; Aström, M; Carro, E; Stridh, M; Laguna, P

Nonlinear estimation of respiratory-induced heart movements and its application in ECG/VCG signal processing Journal Article

In: Nonlinear Biomedical Signal Processing; Vol. II, Dynamic analysis and modeling, pp. 228-245, 2001.

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Bailón, R; Mateo, J; Serrano, P; Olmos, S; García, J; Río, A; Ferreira, I J; Laguna, P

Índices clínicos durante la prueba de esfuerzo basados en el ECG: repolarización, depolarización y variabilidad del ritmo cardiaco Conference

XVIV Congreso anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, Madrid, España, 2001.

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Martínez, I; Sörnmo, L; Olmos, S; Mur, A; Bailón, R; Laguna, P; García, J

Procesado remoto de señales ECG vía web Conference

XVIV Congreso anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, Madrid, España, 2001.

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Mateo, J; Serrano, P; Bailón, R; Olmos, S; García, J; Río, A; Ferreira, I J; Laguna, P

ECG-Based clinical indexes during stress test including repolarization, depolarization and HRV Conference

XXVIII International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Rotherdam, 2001.

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Olmos, S; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Block LMS Adaptive Filter with Deterministic Reference Inputs for Event-Related Signals Conference

23th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biol. Soc., Estambul, 2001.

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Mateo, J; Serrano, P; Bailón, R; García, J; Ferreira, A; Río, A; Ferreira, I J; Laguna, P

Heart Rate Variability Measurements during Exercise Test May Improve the Diagnosis of Ischemic Heart Disease Conference

23th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biol. Soc., Estambul, 2001.

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García, J; Martínez, I; Sörnmo, L; Olmos, S; Mur, A; Laguna, P

Remote ECG-based Diagnosis Support Via Web Conference

5th World Multiconference on Systemics Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2001) and the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS 2001) International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, IEEE Computer Society Orlando, Vol I Information systems Development, 2001.

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Martínez, J P; Olmos, S; Laguna, P

Evaluación de métodos de detección dinámica de alternancias de onda T. Estudio basado en un simulador Conference

XVI Symposium nacional de la unión cientifíca internacional de radio (URSI), Madrid, España, 2001.

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Journal Articles

García, J; Sörnmo, L; Olmos, S; Laguna, P

Automatic detection of ST-T complex changes on the ECG using filtered RMS difference series: Application to ambulatory ischemia monitoring Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 1195-1201, 2000.

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Mateo, J; Laguna, P

Improved heart rate variability signal analysis from the beat occurrence times according to the IPFM model Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 47, no. 8, pp. 985-996, 2000.

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Olmos, S; Laguna, P

Steady-State MSE Convergence of LMS Adaptive Filters with Deterministic Reference Inputs, with applications to Biomedical Signals Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. on Signal Proceesing, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 2229-2241, 2000.

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Laguna, P; Sörnmo, L

Sampling Rate and the Estimation of Ensemble Variability for Repetitive Signals Journal Article

In: Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 540-546, 2000.

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García, J; Wagner, G; Sörnmo, L; Olmos, S; Lander, P; Laguna, P

Temporal evolution of traditional versus transformed ECG-based indexes in patients with induced myocardial ischemia Journal Article

In: Journal of Electrocardiology, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 37-47, 2000.

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Astrom, M; Carro, E; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P; Wohlfart, B

Vectocardiographic loop alignment and the measurement of morphologic beat-to-beat variability in noisy signal Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 497-506, 2000.

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García, J; Serrano, P; Bailón, R; Gutierrez, E; Casasnovas, J A; Ferreira, I; Laguna, P

Comparison of ECG-based clinical indexes during stress test Conference

XXVII International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Boston, 2000.

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Martínez, J P; Olmos, S; Laguna, P

T wave alternans detection: A simulation study and analysis of the European ST-T Database Conference

XXVII International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Boston, 2000.

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Martínez, J P; Olmos, S

Sistema de detección de puntos significativos de la señal ECG basado en la transformada wavelet Conference

Libro de actas del XV Simposium nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, Zaragoza, 2000.

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Martínez, J P; Olmos, S; Laguna, P

Evaluation of a wavelet-based ECG waveform detector on the QT Database Conference

XXVII International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Boston, 2000.

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Martínez, J P; Olmos, S; Laguna, P

Simulation Study and Performance Evaluation of T-Wave Alternans Detector Conference

22th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biol. Soc., Chicago, 2000.

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Laguna, P; Sörnmo, L; Olmos, S

Adaptive Estimation of Evoked Potentials: A Cycle-Stationary Perspective with the LMS Algorithm Conference

22th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biol. Soc., Chicago, 2000.

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Martínez, I; García, J; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Servidor centralizado de acceso remoto para obtención de información clínica sobre el ECG Conference

XV Symposium nacional de la unión cientifíca internacional de radio (URSI), Zaragoza, 2000.

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Romero, G; Laguna, P

Filtrado de Wiener en el plano tiempo-frecuencia aplicado a la electrocardiografía de alta resolución Conference

XV Symposium nacional de la unión cientifíca internacional de radio (URSI), Zaragoza, 2000.

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Mateo, J; Laguna, P

Análisis espectral de la variabilidad del ritmo cardiaco mediante la señal temporización cardiaca Conference

TELEC’2000 Sociedad Cubana de Telecomunicaciones, Cuba, 2000.

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Mateo, J; Laguna, P

Extension of the heart timing signal to the HRV analysis in the presence of ectopics beats Conference

XXVII International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Boston, 2000.

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Journal Articles

Laguna, P; Moody, G B; García, J; Goldberger, A L; Mark, R G

Analysis of the ST-T Complex of the Electrocardiogram Using The Karhunen-Loeve Transform: Adaptive Monitoring and Alternans Detection Journal Article

In: Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, vol. 37, pp. 175-189, 1999.

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García, J; Wagner, G; Sörnmo, L; Lander, P; Laguna, P

Identification of the occluded artery in patients with myocardial ischemia induced by prolonged ptca using traditional vs. transformed ECG-based indexes Journal Article

In: Computers and Biomedical Research, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 470-482, 1999.

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Olmos, S; García, J; Jané, R; Laguna, P

ECG signal compression plus noise filtering with truncated orthogonal expansions Journal Article

In: Signal Processing, vol. 79, pp. 97-115, 1999.

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Olmos, S; García, J; Jané, R; Laguna, P

Truncated Orthogonal expansions of recurrent signals: equivalence to a periodic time-variant filter Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. on Signal Proceesing, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 3164-3172, 1999.

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García, J; Åström, M; Laguna, P; Sörnmo, L

Detection of Body Position Changes on the Surface ECG Conference

XXVI International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Hannover, 1999.

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Åström, M; García, J; Laguna, P; Sörnmo, L

ECG based detection of body position changes Conference

21th Annual International Conference, IEEE Engineering in medicine and Biology Society, Atlanta, 1999.

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Åström, M; Sörnmo, L; García, J; Laguna, P

Least Squares VCG Loop Alignment Conference

3rd Iational Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation, Chicago, 1999.

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Olmos, S; Laguna, P

A Clinical Distortion Index for ECG data compression performance evaluation Conference

5nd European Conf. on Eng. and Med. European Society for Engineering and Medicine (ESEM), Barcelona, 1999.

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Mateo, J; Laguna, P

A comparison between Time Domain HRV signals Conference

5nd European Conf. on Eng. and Med. European Society for Engineering and Medicine (ESEM), Barcelona, 1999.

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García, J; Laguna, P

Automatic ischemia episodes detection on ECG recordings Conference

5nd European Conf. on Eng. and Med. European Society for Engineering and Medicine (ESEM), Barcelona, 1999.

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Olmos, S; Martínez, J P; Laguna, P

Performance evaluation of a time-variant filter for ECG signals Conference

5nd European Conf. on Eng. and Med. European Society for Engineering and Medicine (ESEM), Barcelona, 1999.

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Caminal, P; Vallverdu, M; Viñolas, X; Alonso, J L; Jané, R; Laguna, P; Pitzalis, M V; Rizzon, P; Zareba, W; Luna, A Bayés

New algorithm for QT dispersion analysis in XYZ-lead Holter Description and Validation Conference

XXVI International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Hannover, 1999.

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García, J; Astrom, M; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Sistema de Deteccion de Cambios Posturales Durante la Monitorizacion de ECGs Basado en la KLT Conference

Comunicaciones del XIV Symposium nacional de la unión cientifíca internacional de radio (URSI), Santiago de Compostela, 1999.

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Olmos, S; Laguna, P

Multi-lead ECG Data compression with Orthogonal Expansions: KLT and Wavelet Packets Conference

XXVI International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Hannover, 1999.

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PhD Theses

Mateo, J

Análisis de la variabilidad del ritmo cardiaco: representación temporal e índices clínicos PhD Thesis


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Journal Articles

García, J; Lander, P; Sörnmo, L; Olmos, S; Wagner, G; Laguna, P

Comparative Study of Local and Karhunen-Loeve–Based ST-T Indexes in Recordings from Human Subjects with Induced Myocardial Ischemia Journal Article

In: Computers and Biomedical Research, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 271-292, 1998.

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Laguna, P; García, J; Roncal, I; Wagner, G; Lander, P; Mark, R G

Model-based estimation of cardiovascular repolarization features: ischemia detection and PTCA monitoring Journal Article

In: J. Medical Eng. and Technology, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 64-72, 1998.

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Laguna, P; Moody, G B; Mark, R G

Power Spectra Density of Unevenly Sampled Data by Least-Square Analysis: Performance and Application to Heart Rate Signals Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 698-715, 1998.

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Blasi, A; Caminal, P; Vallverdú, M; Viñolas, X; Jané, R; Laguna, P; Bayés, A

Algoritmo para el análisis de la dispersión de QT en ECG Holter de 3 canales: validación y aplicaciones Conference

Comunicaciones del XV Congreso anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingenieria Biomedica (SEIB), Valencia, 1998.

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Mañanas, M A; Fiz, J A; Morera, J; Laguna, P; Jané, R; Caminal, P

Filtrado adaptativo de señales electromiográficas y vibromiograficas mediante el algoritmo LMS Conference

Comunicaciones del XV Congreso anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingenieria Biomedica (SEIB), Valencia, 1998.

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García, J; Wagner, G; Sörnmo, L; Lander, P; Laguna, P

Multivariate Discriminant Analysis of ECG-Based Indexes to Identify the Occluded Artery in Patients Undergoing PTCA Conference

20th Annual International Conference, IEEE Engineering in medicine and Biology Society, Hong Kong 1998.

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Olmos, S; García, J; Jané, R; Laguna, P

Truncated Orthogonal Expansions of Recurrent Signals: Equivalence to a Periodic Time-Variant Filter Conference

ICASSP, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Seattle, 1998.

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Laguna, P; Sörnmo, L

Sampling Rate and Time Alignment in the Estimation of QRS Variability Conference

20th Annual International Conference, IEEE Engineering in medicine and Biology Society, Hong Kong, 1998.

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Royo, M; Laguna, P

Cancelación de variaciones d ela línea de base en el ECG: Estudio comparativo de diferentes técnicas Conference

Comunicaciones del XV Congreso anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingenieria Biomedica (SEIB), Valencia, 1998.

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García, J; Laguna, P

Diseño y evaluación de un detector de isquemia basado en la transformada de Karhunen-Loeve Conference

Comunicaciones del XV Congreso anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingenieria Biomedica (SEIB), Valencia, 1998.

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García, J; Wagner, G; Sörnmo, L; Olmos, S; Lander, P; Laguna, P

Temporal Evolution of ECG-Based Indexes in Patients with Myocardial Ischemia Induced by Prolonged Balloon Occlusion Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Cleveland, 1998.

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PhD Theses

García, J

Sistema de Monitorización y Detección de Isquemia Basado en la Transformada de Karhunen-Loève Aplicada sobre el ECG PhD Thesis


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Olmos, S

Compresión de datos en señales ECG mediante transformadas ortogonales PhD Thesis




Journal Articles

Homs, E; Marti, V; Guindo, J; Laguna, P; Viñolas, X; Caminal, P; Elosua, R; Luna, A Bayés

Automatic measurement of corrected QT interval in Holter recordings: Comparison of its dynamic behavior in patients after myocardial infaction with and without life-threatening arrhythmias Journal Article

In: American Heart Journal, vol. 134, pp. 561-571, 1997.

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Laguna, P; Simon, B; Sörnmo, L

Improvement in High-resolution ECG Analysis by Interpolation Before Time Alignment Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Lund, 1997.

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Olmos, S; Rios, I; García, J; Jané, R; Laguna, P

Scalar Quantizers for compression of ECG signal with orthogonal transforms Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Lund, 1997.

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Jané, R; Blasi, A; García, J; Laguna, P

Evaluation of an Automatic Threshold Based Detector of Waveform Limits in Holter ECG with the QT Database Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Lund, 1997.

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Giraldo, B; Farre, C; Laguna, P; Jané, R; Martin, M; Caminal, P

Validation of an Algorithm for Atrial Fibrillation and Fluter Diagnosis Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Lund, 1997.

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Mateo, J; Laguna, P

Improved Interpolation of Unevenly Sampled Heart Rate Signals Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Lund, 1997.

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Laguna, P; Mark, R G; Goldberg, A; Moody, G B

A Database for Evaluation of Algorithms for Measurement of QT and Other Waveform Intervals in the ECG Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Lund, 1997.

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Vullings, E; García, J; Laguna, P

Waveform detection in Holter ECG using dynamic time-warping Conference

Comunicaciones del XV Congreso anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingenieria Biomedica (SEIB), Valencia, 1997.

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Olmos, S; García, J; Jané, R; Laguna, P

Análisis de la señal ECG con expansiones ortogonales de reducido numero de coeficientes Conference

Comunicaciones del XV Congreso anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingenieria Biomedica (SEIB), Valencia, 1997.

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Carro, E; Astrom, M; Laguna, P; Wohlfart, B; Sörnmo, L

Alineamiento de señales VCG: variabilidad morfologica de latido a latido en presencia de ruido Conference

Comunicaciones del XV Congreso anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingenieria Biomedica (SEIB), Valencia, 1997.

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Olmos, S; Echeverria, D; Jané, R; Laguna, P

Compresion de señales ECG multiderivacionales mediante expansiones ortogonales optimas: WP y KL Conference

Comunicaciones del XV Congreso anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingenieria Biomedica (SEIB), Valencia, 1997.

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García, J; Olmos, S; Sörnmo, L; Ringborn, M; Lander, P; Wagner, G; Laguna, P

Estudio comparativo de Indices Clasicos y Basados en la KLT en Monitorizacion y Deteccion de Isquemia de Miocardio Conference

Comunicaciones del XII Symposium nacional de la unión cientifíca internacional de radio (URSI), Bilbao, 1997.

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Olmos, S; García, J; Laguna, P

Sistema de compresion de la señal ECG basado en la transformada de KL Conference

Comunicaciones del XII Symposium nacional de la unión cientifíca internacional de radio (URSI), Bilbao, 1997.

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García, J; Roncal, I; Laguna, P

Myocardial ischemia detector based on Karhunen-Loève transform Conference

World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Nice, 1997.


Mateo, J; Laguna, P

La señal Heart Timing en el analisis de la variabilidad del ritmo cardiaco Conference

Comunicaciones del XII Symposium nacional de la unión cientifíca internacional de radio (URSI), Bilbao, 1997.



Journal Articles

Laguna, P; Jané, R; Olmos, S; Thakor, N; Rix, H; Caminal, P

Adaptive estimation of QRS complex by the Hermite model for classification and ectopic beat detection Journal Article

In: Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, vol. 34, pp. 58-68, 1996.

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Laguna, P; Jané, R; Masgrau, E; Caminal, P

The Adaptive Linear Combiner with a Periodic-Impulse Reference Input as a Linear Comb Filter Journal Article

In: Signal Processing, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 193-203, 1996.

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Mateo, J; Laguna, P

New heart rate variability time-domain signal construction from the beat Occurrence time and the IPFM model Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Indianapolis, 1996.

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García, J; Olmos, S; Moody, G; Mark, R; Laguna, P

Adaptive estimation of the KL series applied to the study of ischemic ECG records Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Indianapolis, 1996.

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Olmos, S; Millan, M; García, J; Laguna, P

ECG data compression with the KL transform Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Indianapolis, 1996.

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Laguna, P; Ruiz, M; Moody, G; Mark, R

Repolarization alternans detection using the KL transform andf the beatquency spectrum Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Indianapolis, 1996.

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Olmos, S; Jané, R; García, J; Laguna, P

Noise effect on orthogonal transform compression of ECG signals Conference

18th Annual International Conference, IEEE Engineering in medicine and Biology Society, Amsterdam, 1996.

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García, J; Olmos, S; Laguna, P

Performance of RLS and LMS Algorithms in KL Estimation of Ischemic ECG Records Conference

18th Annual International Conference, IEEE Engineering in medicine and Biology Society, Amsterdam, 1996.

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Simon, B; Sörnmo, L; Laguna, P

Mejora en el alineamiento de registros ECG usando interpolación Conference

Comunicaciones del XIV Congreso anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, Pamplona, 1996.

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Roncal, I; Laguna, P

Detector de isquemia utilizando la transformada de Karhunen-Loève Conference

Comunicaciones del XIV Congreso anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, Pamplona, 1996.

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García, J; Lander, P; Wagner, G; Olmos, S; Laguna, P

Análisis de la onda T como indicador sensible de isquemia cardiaca Conference

Comunicaciones del XIV Congreso anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, Pamplona, 1996.

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Olmos, S; Laguna, P

Efecto del ruido en la compresión de datos de la señal ECG mediante transformadas ortogonales Conference

Comunicaciones del XI Symposium nacional de la unión cientifíca internacional de radio (URSI), Madrid, 1996.

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Journal Articles

Laguna, P; Moody, G B; Jané, R; Caminal, P; Mark, R G

The KL transform as a tool to analyze the ST segment: Comparison with QT interval Journal Article

In: Journal of Electrocardiology, vol. 28 (Suplement), pp. 41-49, 1995.

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Olmos, S; Laguna, P; Caminal, P; Jané, R

Compresión de Datos de la Señal ECG Mediante Transformadas Ortogonales Conference

XIII Congreso Anual de la Asociación Española de Bioingeniería, Barcelona, 1995.

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Giraldo, B; Laguna, P; Jané, R; Caminal, P

Automatic Detection of Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter Using Differentiated ECG Signal Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Viena, 1995.

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Laguna, P; Moody, G B; Mark, R G

Densidad Espectral de Potencia en Señales de Ritmo Cardiaco Muestreadas No Uniformemente Conference

XIII Congreso Anual de la Asociación Española de Bioingeniería, Barcelona, 1995.

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Laguna, P; Moody, G B; Mark, R G

Power Spectral Density of Unevenly Sampled Heart Rate Data Conference

Proc. of the 17th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biol. Soc., Montreal, 1995.

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García, J; Lander, P; Wagner, G; Laguna, P

Análisis de la Repolarización Cardiaca en el ECG, Registrado Durante Angioplastia, Mediante la Transformada de KL Conference

XIII Congreso Anual de la Asociación Española de Bioingeniería, Barcelona, 1995.

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Silipo, R; Laguna, P; Marchesi, C; Mark, R G

ST-T Segment Change Recognition using Artificial Neural Networks and Principal Component Analysis Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Viena, 1995.

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Journal Articles

Laguna, P; Jané, R; Caminal, P

Automatic detection of wave boundaries in multilead ECG signals: Validation with the CSE database Journal Article

In: Computers and Biomedical Research, vol. 27, pp. 45-60, 1994.

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Laguna, P; Jané, R; Caminal, P

A time delay estimator based on the signal integral: Theoretical perforoance and testing on ECG signals Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 3224- 3229, 1994.

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Laguna, P; Moody, G B; Mark, R G

Analysis of the Cardiac Repolarization Period Using the KL Transform: Aplications on the ST-T Database Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Bethesda, 1994.

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Lang, E; Caminal, P; Laguna, P; Horváth, G; Homs, E; Jané, R

Spectral components of heart rate variability (HRV) as markers to stratify risk following myocardial infarction (MI) Conference

Proc. of the V Int. Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Santiago, Spain, 1994.



Journal Articles

Thakor, N V; Xing-rong, G; Laguna, P; Jané, R; Caminal, P; Rix, H

Orthonormal (Fourier and Walsh) models of time-varying evoked potentials in neurological injury Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 213-221, 1993.

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Jané, R; Olmos, S; Laguna, P; Caminal, P

Adaptive Hermite models for ECG data compression: Performance and evaluation with automatic wave detection Conference

Computers in Cardiology, London, 1993.

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Jané, R; Olmos, S; Laguna, P; Caminal, P

ECG data compression using an adaptive hermite model Conference

Proc. of the 2nd European Conf.on Eng. and Med., Stuttgart, 1993.

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Caminal, P; Gomis, P; Laguna, P; Jané, R

Application of parametric models to classify ECG signals Conference

Proc. of thg 2nd European Conf. on Eng. and Med., Stuttgart, 1993.



Journal Articles

Laguna, P; Jané, R; Meste, O; Poon, P; Caminal, P; Rix, H; Thakor, N V

Adaptive filter for event-related bioelectric signals using an impulse correlated reference input: Comparison with signal averaging techniques Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engingering, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 1032-1044, 1992.

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Jané, R; Laguna, P; Caminal, P

Adaptive baseline wander removal in the ECG: comparative analysis with cubic splines technique Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Durham, 1992.

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Laguna, P; Jané, R; Caminal, P

Adaptive filtering of ECG baseline wander Conference

Proc. of the 14th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biol. Soc., Paris, 1992.

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Laguna, P; Vigo, D; Jané, R; Caminal, P

Automatic waves onset and offset determination in ECG signals: Validation with the CSE database Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Durham, 1992.

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Laguna, P; Jané, R; Caminal, P

Adaptive feature extraction for QRS classification and ectopic beat detection using the Hermite functions Conference

Computers in Cardiology, 1992.

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Jané, R; Laguna, P; Caminal, P

Filtering techniques for ventricular late potentials Conference

Proc. of the 14th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biol. Soc., Paris, 1992.

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Journal Articles

Jané, R; Rix, H; Caminal, P; Laguna, P

Alignment methods for averaging of high resolution cardiac signals: a comparative study of performance Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 571-579, 1991.

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Laguna, P; Caminal, P; Jané, R; Thakor, N V

Automatic QT interval analysis in postmyocardial infarction patients Journal Article

In: Journal of Ambulatory Monitoring, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 91-111, 1991.

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Jané, R; Laguna, P; Caminal, P

Adaptive estimation of event-related bioelectric sigoals: Effect of misalignment errors Conference

Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biol. Soc., Orlando, 1991.

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Jané, R; Laguna, P; Caminal, P; Rix, H

Adaptive filtering of high-resolution ECG signals Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Chicago, 1991.

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Laguna, P; Caminal, P; Jané, R; Rix, H

Evaluation of HRV by PP and RR interval analysis using a new time delay estimate Conference

Computers in Cardiology, Chicago, 1991.

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Laguna, P; Rix, H; Jané, R; Caminal, P

Estimation of signal-to-noise ratio in signals contamined by white noise Conference

Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biol. Soc., Orlando, 1991.

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Thakor, N V; Vaz, C; Xin-rong, G; Poon, P; Laguna, P; Jané, R; Caminal, P; Rix, H

Time- varying evoked potentials monitoring and signal processing Conference

Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biol. Soc., Orlando, 1991.

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Jané, R; Laguna, P; Caminal, P; Meste, O; Rix, H; Thakor, N V

Estimation of event-related bioelectric signals using adaptive filtering and everaging techniques Conference

Proc. of the IV Int. Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Peñiscola, Spain, 1991.


Laguna, P; Bogatell, E; Jané, R; Caminal, P

Automatic detection of characteristic points in the ECG Conference

Proc. of the IV Int. Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Peñiscola, Spain, 1991.



Journal Articles

Laguna, P; Thakor, N V; Caminal, P; Jané, R

Low-pass differeotiators for biological signals with known spectra: application to ECG signal processing Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 420-424, 1990.

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Laguna, P; Thakor, N V; Caminal, P; Jané, R; Yoon, H R

New algorithm for QT interval analysis in 24 hour Holter ECG: performance and applications Journal Article

In: Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, vol. 28, pp. 67-73, 1990.

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Jané, R; Laguna, P; Caminal, P

Adaptive filtering of event-related bioelectric signals Conference

Proc. of the 12th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biol. Soc., Philadelphia, 1990.

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Laguna, P; Rix, H; Caminal, P; Jané, R

Performance analysis of a time delay estimate between two noisy transient signals Conference

Proc. of the 12th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biol. Soc., Philadelphia, 1990.

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PhD Theses

Laguna, P

Nuevas técnicas de procesado de señales electrocardiográficas: aplicación a registros de larga duración PhD Thesis


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