Faculty Member

Call: +34 976762350

Email: edugilh@unizar.es

Address: María de Luna 1, Edificio Ada Byron, Despacho 1.14- 50018 Zaragoza (Spain) (Spain)


Eduardo Gil was born in Zaragoza, Spain, in 1978. He received the M.S. degree in telecommunication engineering and the Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering from the University of Zaragoza (UZ), Zaragoza, Spain, in 2002 and 2009, respectively, and the Master’s degree “Master universitario en Sueño: Fisiología y Medicina” from the University Pablo Olavide of Sevilla, Spain, in 2007.

Since 2019, he has been an Associate Professor with the UZ, where he is currently a Researcher with the Aragón Institute for Engineering Research and also with the Biomedical Research Networking Center in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine.

His current research interests include the field of biomedical signal processing, specially in the analysis of cardiovascular signals, mainly the photoplethysmography.

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Cajal, D; Hernando, D; Lázaro, J; Gil, E; Alvis, A; Polcz, M; Hocking, K; Brophy, C; Bailón, R

Parasympathetic Characterization Guided by Respiration from Wrist Peripheral Venous Pressure Waveform Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVII International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Rimini, Italy, 2020.

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Martínez, M; Lázaro, J; Kontaxis, S; Laguna, P; Gil, E; Ruíz, M L Bernal; Siddi, S; Cámara, C.; Aguiló, J; García, E; Haro, J M; Bailón, R

Análisis de la respuesta electrodermal para la identificación de pacientes con depresión Conferencia

XXXVIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB, Valladolid, España, 2020.

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Artículos de revista

Milagro, J; Gracia, J; Seppä, V P; Karjalainen, J; Paassilta, M; Orini, M; Bailón, R; Gil, E; Viik, J

Noninvasive Cardiorespiratory Signals Analysis for Asthma Evolution Monitoring in Preschool Children Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Transactions Biomedical Engineering, 2019.

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Milagro, J; Hernando, D; Lázaro, J; Casajús, J A; Garatachea, N; Gil, E; Bailón, R

Electrocardiogram-Derived Tidal Volume During Treadmill Stress Test Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Transactions Biomedical Engineering, vol. 67, no 1, 2019.

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Peralta, E; Lázaro, J; Bailón, R; Marozas, V; Gil, E

Optimal Fiducial Points for Pulse Rate Variability Analysis from Forehead and Finger PPG Signals Artículo de revista

En: Physiological Measurement, 2019.

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Varon, C; Lázaro, J; Bolea, J; Hernando, A; Aguiló, J; Gil, E; Huffel, Van S; Bailón, R

Unconstrained Estimation of HRV Indices after Removing Respiratory Influences from Heart Rate Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019.

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Peláez-Coca, M; Lozano, M T; Hernando, A; Aiger, M; Gil, E

Photoplethysmographic Waveform Versus Heart Rate Variability to Identify Low Stress States. Attention Test Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019.

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Arza, A; Garzón-Rey, J M; Lázaro, J; Gil, E; Lopez-Anton, R; Camara, C; Laguna, P; Bailón, R; Aguiló, J

Measuring acute stress response through physiological signals: Towards a quantitative assessment of stress Artículo de revista

En: Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, vol. 57, pp. 271–287, 2019.

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Hernando, A; Peláez-Coca, M; Lozano, M T; Aiger, M; Izquierdo, D; Sánchez, A; López-Jurado, M I; Moura, I; Fidalgo, J; Lázaro, J; Gil, E

Autonomic nervous system measurement in hyperbaric environments using ECG and PPG signals Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 132-142, 2019.

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Kontaxis, S; Lázaro, J; Gil, E; Laguna, P; Bailón, R

Assessment of Quadratic Nonlinear Cardiorespiratory Couplings During Tilt Table Test by Means of Real Wavelet Biphase Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Transactions Biomedical Engineering, vol. 66, no 1, 2019.

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Lázaro, J; Gil, E; Orini, M; Laguna, P; Bailón, R

Baroreflex Sensitivity Measured by Pulse Photoplethysmography Artículo de revista

En: Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 13:339, pp. 1-13, 2019.

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Milagro, J; Deviaene, M; Gil, E; Lázaro, J; Buyse, B; Testelmans, D; Borzee, P; Willems, R; Huffel, Van S; Bailón, R; Varon, C

Autonomic Dysfunction Increases Cardiovascular Risk in the Presence of Sleep Apnea Artículo de revista

En: Front. Physiol, vol. 10, no 620, pp. 1-11, 2019.

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Iozzia, L; Lázaro, J; Cerina, L; Silvestri, D; Mainardi, L; Laguna, P; Gil, E

Monitoring breathing rate by fusing the physiological impact of respiration on video-photoplethysmogram with head movements Artículo de revista

En: Physiological Measurement, 2019.

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Hernando, A; Peláez-Coca, M; Lozano, M T; Lázaro, J; Gil, E

Finger and forehead PPG signal comparison for respiratory rate estimation Artículo de revista

En: Physiological Measurement, 2019.

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Milagro, J; Gracia, J; Seppä, V -P; Karjalainen, J; Paassilta, M; Orini, M; Gil, E; Bailón, R; Viik, J

Cardiorespiratory Coupling in Asthmatic Children Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Singapore, 2019.

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Armañac, P; Kontaxis, S; Lázaro, J; Laguna, P; Bailón, R; Gil, E

Cardiovascular Changes Induced by Acute Emotional Stress Estimated from the Pulse Transit Time Difference Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Singapore, 2019.

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Kontaxis, S; Bailón, R; Rapalis, A; Brazaitis, M; Cernych, M; Lázaro, J; Laguna, P; Gil, E; Marozas, V

Autonomic Nervous System Response to Heat Stress Exposure by Means of Heart Rate Variability Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Singapore, 2019.

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Rinkevicius, M; Kontaxis, S; Gil, E; Bailón, R; Lázaro, J; Laguna, P; Marozas, V

Photoplethysmogram Signal Morphology-Based Stress Assessment Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Singapore, 2019.

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Milagro, J; Soto, L; Giner, J; Varon, C; Laguna, P; Plaza, V; Gil, E; Bailón, R

Heart Rate Variability Analysis Assessment for Asthma Control Stratification Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLVI International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, Singapore, 2019.

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Hernando, D; Nardelli, M; Hocking, K; Lázaro, J; Alvis, B; Gil, E; Scilingo, E P; Brophy, D R; Valenza, G; Laguna, P; Brophy, C; Bailón, R

Effect of yoga on pulse rate variability measured from a venous pressure waveform Conferencia

41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Berlin, Germany, 2019.

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Peláez-Coca, M; Hernando, A; Sánchez, C; Lozano, M T; Izquierdo, D; Gil, E

Photoplethysmographic Waveform in Hyperbaric Environment Conferencia

41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Berlin, Germany, 2019.

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Pérez-Martínez, C; Peláez-Coca, M; Hernando, A; Gil, E; Sánchez, C

Multivariable Relationships between Autonomic Nervous System Related Indices in Hyperbaric Environments Conferencia

41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Berlin, Germany, 2019.

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Artículos de revista

Holmer, M; Martínez, J P; Gil, E; Sandberg, F; Olde, B; Sörnmo, L

Detection of Ventricular Premature Beats Based on the Pressure Signals of a Hemodialysis Machine Artículo de revista

En: Medical Engineering & Physics, vol. 51, pp. 49–55, 2018.

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Milagro, J; Gil, E; Lázaro, J; Seppä, V -P; Malmberg, L P; Pelkonen, A S; Kotaniemi-Syrjänen, A; Mäkelä, M J; Viik, J; Bailón, R

Nocturnal Heart Rate Variability Spectrum Characterization in Preschool Children with Asthmatic Symptoms Artículo de revista

En: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 22, no 5, pp. 1332-1340, 2018.

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Hernando, D; McCallister, R; Lázaro, J; Hocking, K; Gil, E; Laguna, P; Brophy, C; Bailón, R

Validity of Venous Waveform Signal for Heart Rate Variability Monitoring Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLV International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, 2018.

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Kontaxis, S; Orini, M; Gil, E; Miguel, Posadas-De M; Bernal, M L; Aguiló, J; Camara, C; Laguna, P; Bailón, R

Heart Rate Variability Analysis Guided by Respiration in Major Depressive Disorder Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLV International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, 2018.

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Lázaro, J; Bailón, R; Gil, E; Noh, Y; Laguna, P; Chon, K

Pilot Study on Electrocardiogram Derived Respiratory Rate Using a Wearable Armband Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLV International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, 2018.

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Milagro, J; Hernando, D; Lázaro, J; Casajús, J A; Garatachea, N; Gil, E; Bailón, R

On Deriving Tidal Volume From Electrocardiogram During Maximal Effort Test Conferencia

Proceedings of the XLV International Conference on Computing in Cardiology, 2018.

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Lázaro, J; Kontaxis, S; Bailón, R; Laguna, P; Gil, E

Respiratory Rate Derived from Pulse Photoplethysmographic Signal by Pulse Decomposition Analysis Conferencia

40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2018.

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Armañac, P; Kontaxis, S; Lázaro, J; Laguna, P; Bailón, R; Gil, E

Cambios en la Diferencia del Tiempo de Tránsito del Pulso Sanguíneo en Estados de Estrés Emocional Agudo Conferencia

XXXVI Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingenieríıa Biomédica, Ciudad Real, España, 2018.

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